Section: New Results
Convergence of HPC and Big Data
Transactional storage
Participants : Pierre Matri, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu.
Concurrent Big Data applications often require high-performance storage, as well as ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transaction support. Although blobs (binary large objects) are an increasingly popular model for addressing the storage needs of such applications, state-of-the-art blob storage systems typically offer no transaction semantics. This demands users to coordinate access to data carefully in order to avoid race conditions, inconsistent writes, overwrites and other problems that cause erratic behavior. We argue there is a gap between existing storage solutions and application requirements, which limits the design of transaction-oriented applications.
Týr is the first blob storage system to provide built-in, multi-blob transactions, while retaining sequential consistency and high throughput under heavy access concurrency. Týr offers fine-grained random write access to data and in-place atomic operations.
Large-scale experiments on Microsoft Azure with a production application from CERN LHC show Týr throughput outperforms state-of-the-art solutions by more than 75 %.
- Collaboration.
This work was done in collaboration with María Pérez, UPM, Spain.
Big Data on HPC
Participants : Orçun Yildiz, Shadi Ibrahim, Gabriel Antoniu.
Over the last decade, Map-Reduce has stood as the most powerful Big Data processing model. Map-Reduce model is now used by many companies and research labs to facilitate large-scale data analysis. With the growing needs of users and size of data, commodity-based infrastructure (most commonly used as of now) will strain under the heavy weight of Big Data. On the other hand, HPC systems offer a rich set of opportunities for Big Data processing.
As first steps towards Big Data processing on HPC systems, several research efforts have been devoted to understand Map-Reduce performance on these systems. Yet, the impact of the specific features of HPC environments have not been fully investigated, yet.
We conducted an experimental campaign to provide a clearer understanding of Map-Reduce performance on HPC systems. We use Spark, a widely adopted Map-Reduce framework, and representative Big Data workloads on Grid'5000 testbed to evaluate how the latency, contention and file system's configuration can influence the application performance.
Energy vs. performance trade-offs
Participants : Mohammed-Yacine Taleb, Shadi Ibrahim, Gabriel Antoniu.
Most large popular web applications, like Facebook and Twitter, have been relying on large amounts of in-memory storage to cache data and provide a low response time. As the memory capacity of clusters and clouds increases, it becomes possible to keep most of the data in the main memory.
This motivates the introduction of in-memory storage systems. While prior work has focused on how to exploit the low latency of in-memory access at scale, there is still little knowledge regarding the energy efficiency of in-memory storage systems. This is unfortunate, as it is known that main memory is a major energy bottleneck in many computing systems. For instance, DRAM consumes up to 40 % of a server's power.
By means of experimental evaluation, we have studied the performance and energy-efficiency of RAMCloud — a well-known in-memory storage system. We demonstrated that although RAMCloud is scalable for read-only applications, it exhibits non-proportional power consumption. We also found that the current replication scheme implemented in RAMCloud limits the performance and results in high energy consumption. Surprisingly enough, we also showed that replication can even play a negative role in crash-recovery.
- Collaboration.
This work was carried out in collaboration with Toni Cortes (BSC, Spain).