Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Luc Bougé: Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee of the Euro-Par Series of conferences.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Gabriel Antoniu: Vice-Chair of the Program Committee of the ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2016 international conference (Hybrid and Mobile Clouds Tracks), Cartagena, May 2016.
Alexandru Costan: Program Co-Chair of the ScienceCloud 2016 international workshop held in conjunction with HPDC 2016, Kyoto, June 2016.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Gabriel Antoniu: ACM HPDC 2016, IEEE Cluster 2016, PDSW-DISCS workshop (held in conjunction with ACM/IEEE SC16 conference), ARMS-CC 2016 workshop (held in conjunction with the PODC 2016 conference).
Luc Bougé: Euro-Par 2016, IPDPS 2017, ICDE 2017, Euro-Par 2017, ISPDC 2017.
Alexandru Costan: ACM/IEEE SC'16 BoF Applications Track, ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2016, IEEE BigData 2016, ICPP 2016, ARMS-CC 2016 workshop (held in conjunction with PODC 2016), FiCLOUD 2016, ScienceCloud 2016 workshop (held in conjunction with HPDC 2016).
Shadi Ibrahim: IEEE Cluster 2016, IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2016, IEEE ICPADS 2016, IEEE CloudCom 2016, IEEE ICA3PP 2016, SCRAMBL 2016 (held in conjunction with Euro-Par 2016).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Gabriel Antoniu: Future Generation Computer Systems, Special Issue on Resource Management for Big Data Platforms.
Luc Bougé: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special Issues on the Euro-Par conference.
Alexandru Costan: Soft Computing Journal, Special Issue on Autonomic Computing and Big Data Platforms
Reviewer, Reviewing Activities
Alexandru Costan: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, IEEE Communications, IEEE Transactions on Storage, Information Sciences
Shadi Ibrahim: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Springer Parallel Computing, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Invited Talks
BDEC 2016: Invited keynote talk at the 4th Big Data and Exascale Computing (BDEC) workshop, Frankfurt, June 2016.
First Chinese-French Workshop on Extreme Computing: Damaris: Jitter-Free I/O Management and In Situ Visualization of HPC Simulations using Dedicated Cores, Guangzhou, May 2016.
5th JLESC workshop: Spark versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks, Lyon, June 2016.
Inria/CIC-IPN workshop: Scalable Big Data Processing on Clouds: A-Brain and Z-CloudFlow, Mexico City, November 2016.
Inria/Technicolor workshop: Spark versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks, Rennes, November 2016.
6th JLESC workshop: Storage-Based Convergence Between HPC and Big Data, Kobe, Japan, December 2016.
Comin Labs-DGA-ENSAI BigData day: Support logiciel pour la gestion de données distribuées à très grande échelle, IRISA, January 2016.
Société des agrégés: Teaching informatics as a first-class subject, annual meeting of the Regional Section, April 2016.
Luminy Algorithmics and Programming School: Big Data: Tremendous challenges, great solutions, Preparatory school teachers in Mathematics and Informatics, May 2016.
UPB Scientific Days: Big Data and Extreme Computing: A Storage-Based Pathway to Convergence, The UPB Research Workshop on Distributed Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, June 2016.
Inria/CIC-IPN workshop: Science Driven, Scalable Data-Intensive Processing on Clouds, Mexico City, November 2016.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Gabriel Antoniu: Scientific leader of the KerData project-team.
Gabriel Antoniu: Topic leader for Inria for the Data storage, I/O and in situ processing topic, supervising collaboration activities in this area within the JLESC, Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing.
Luc Bougé: serves as a Vice-President of the French Society for Informatics (SIF), in charge of the teaching department.
Gabriel Antoniu: Work package leader within the BigStorage H2020 ETN project for the Data Science work package.
Alexandru Costan: Leader of the Smart Cities Working Group within the BigStorage H2020 ETN project.
Shadi Ibrahim: Leader for the Resource Management and Scheduling for Data-Intensive HPC Workflows activity within the JLESC, Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing.
Scientific Expertise
Gabriel Antoniu served as a project evaluator for the ANR 2016 call (Phase 1).
Luc Bougé: Member of the jury for the Agrégation de mathématiques and the CAPES of mathématiques. These national committees select high-school mathematics teachers in secondary schools and high-schools, respectively.
Luc Bougé has been solicited by the Ministry of Education to participate to the committee in charge of designing and preparing the new Informatics track in the CAPES of mathematics. It will be offered for the 2017 session.
Shadi Ibrahim served as a project evaluator in the DOE-ECP Program 2016: The research and development in Software Technology of the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Exascale Computing Project (ECP).