Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Cart'Eaux project (European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)): in partnership with colleagues of LIRMM and HSM (Montpellier) and with Berger-Levrault company, Carole DELENNE and Benjamin COMMANDRE are developing a methodology that will collect and merge multi-sources data in the aim of mapping urban drainage networks for hydraulic modeling purpose. This chain of treatment includes: i) detection of manhole covers from remote sensing data (aerial images, numerical elevation models…), 2) development of an algorithm to retrieve the network from the detected points and other information such as roads or topography, 3) data manning to extract useful characteristics for the hydraulic model, from various databases available or from documents automatically gathered from the web. A confidence index will be given to each characteristic assessed and a sensitivity analysis will enable the software to propose a hydraulic model together with an associated uncertainty.
The GeRIMU project (Gestion du Risque d'Inondation en Milieu Urbain) counts 3 partners: Cerec Ingénierie, HSM and Predict Services. In this porject, the upscaled shallow water model with porosity SW2D developed at HSM is embedded in a software chain that will allow fast uran flood computations from forecasted precisiptation fields. The project is funded under the Feder scheme. It has earned a distinction from the local Scientific Advisory Committee ("Coup de coeur du COSTI").