Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
A. Enge: 20th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECC 2016, İzmir
D. Robert was a member of the scientific committee for the Ecole Mathematique Africaine organised by Emmanuel Fouotsa at Bamenda.
F. Johansson organized the session: High-precision arithmetic, effective analysis and special functions. ICMS 2016, The 5th International Congress on Mathematical Software, ZIB Berlin.
Member of the Editorial Boards
K. Belabas acts on the editorial board of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux since 2005 and of Archiv der Mathematik since 2006.
H. Cohen is an editorial board member of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux; he is an editor for the Springer book series Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics (ACM).
J.-M. Couveignes is a member of the editorial board of the Publications mathématiques de Besançon since 2010.
A. Enge is an editor of Designs, Codes and Cryptography since 2004.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
F. Johansson reviewed for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, IEEE Transactions on Computers, and ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.
Invited Talks
A. Enge: Mathematical Structures for Cryptography, Leiden: Short addition sequences for theta functions
F. Johansson: talk at RAIM 2016, Banyuls-sur-mer on "Fast reversion of formal power series" and at FastRelax meeting, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse on "Hypergeometric functions in Arb".
Scientific Expertise
J.-M. Couveignes is a member of the scientific council of the labex "Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris", FSMP, Paris.
J.-M. Couveignes is a member of the 'conseil d'orientation' of the labex "Institut de Recherche en Mathématiques, Interactions et Applications", IRMIA, Strasbourg.
Research Administration
A. Enge: Head of COST-GTRI, responsible for the scientific evaluation of all international cooperations of Inria
Since January 2015, K. Belabas is vice-head of the Math Institute (IMB). He also leads the computer science support service (“cellule informatique”) of IMB and coordinates the participation of the institute in the regional computation cluster PlaFRIM.
He is an elected member of “commission de la recherche” in the academic senate of Bordeaux University.
He is a member of the “Conseil National des Université” (25th section, pure mathematics).
J.-P. Cerri is an elected member of the scientific council of the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux (IMB) and responsible for the bachelor programme in mathematics and informatics.
Since January 2015, J.-M. Couveignes is the head of the Math Institute (IMB).