Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : G. Castagnos, Cryptanalyse, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : G. Castagnos, Cryptologie avancée, 30h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : G. Castagnos, Courbes elliptiques, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : D. Robert, Courbes elliptiques, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;


  • Pinar Kiliçer: The class number one problem for genus-2 curves, Universities of Bordeaux and Leiden, supervised by A. Enge, M. Streng and P. Stevenhagen.

  • Iuliana Ciocanea-Teodorescu, Algorithms for finite rings, Universities of Bordeaux and Leiden, supervised by K. Belabas and H. Lenstra.

  • PhD in progress: Abdoulaye Maiga, Computing canonical lift of genus 2 hyperelliptic curves, University Dakar, supervised by Djiby Sow, Abdoul Aziz Ciss and D. Robert.

  • PhD in progress: Emmanouil Tzortzakis Algorithms for -curves, supervised by K. Belabas and P. Bruin

  • PhD in progress: Pavel Solomatin Topics on L-functions, supervised by B. de Smit and K. Belabas

  • Liu Zhengying: Height of class polynomials. Ecole Polytechnique third year internship, supervised by D. Robert.


  • PhD report by A. Enge on Loubna Ghammam: Utilisation des couplages en cryptographie asymétrique pour la micro-électronique, University of Rennes

  • PhD report and jury by D. Robert on Alina Dudeanu: Computational Aspects of Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves, EPFL.

  • D. Robert is a member of the jury of Agregations de Mathematiques. He is also the codirector with Alain Couvreur of the option “calcul formel” of the Modelisation part of the oral examination.