Section: Dissemination
Activities are presented in chronological order:
S. Alouf delivered a conference titled “Comment marche le Web ?” at Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie, Menton, for one classe of high school students (25 November 2016).
D. Politaki participated to the “Fête de la science” at the Campus Valrose, Nice (13 October 2016) and at the Congress Center, Antibes Juan-les-Pins (22 October 2016). She animated the game “Datagramme” and the programming of Thymio.
D. Politaki managed two sessions MEDITES in two middle schools (22 November 2016).
D. Politaki participated to the Thymio competition (26 November 2016) which was organized by Hackathon Women Creativity 2016 in Nice.
D. Politaki is a member of MASTIC, a commission in charge of popularization and regional and internal scientific animation (since July 2016).