Section: Dissemination


Activities are presented in chronological order:

  • S. Alouf delivered a conference titled “Comment marche le Web ?” at Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie, Menton, for one classe of high school students (25 November 2016).

  • D. Politaki participated to the “Fête de la science” at the Campus Valrose, Nice (13 October 2016) and at the Congress Center, Antibes Juan-les-Pins (22 October 2016). She animated the game “Datagramme” and the programming of Thymio.

  • D. Politaki managed two sessions MEDITES in two middle schools (22 November 2016).

  • D. Politaki participated to the Thymio competition (26 November 2016) which was organized by Hackathon Women Creativity 2016 in Nice.

D. Politaki is a member of MASTIC, a commission in charge of popularization and regional and internal scientific animation (since July 2016).