Section: New Results

Seismic Imaging and Inverse Problems

Time-harmonic inverse problem

Participants : Hélène Barucq, Florian Faucher.

We study the seismic inverse problem for acoustic and elastic medium associated with the time-harmonic wave equation, and the underlying recovery of geophysical parameters. We employ Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) where the multi parameters reconstruction is based on iterative minimization techniques. This inverse problem shows a Lipschitz stability where the stability constant is related to the (conditional) lower bound of the Fréchet derivative, when assuming a piecewise constant representation of the parameters. We successively estimate the stability constant for different model partition in order to control the convergence of the scheme. Hence we define a multi-level (multi-scale, multi-frequency) algorithm where the natural progression of frequency is paired with the model partition. The method is implemented and numerical experiments are performed for elastic medium reconstruction, in particular for realistic geophysical situations.

Shape-reconstruction and parameter identification of an elastic object immersed in a fluid

Participants : Izar Azpiroz Iragorri, Hélène Barucq, Julien Diaz, Rabia Djellouli.

We investigate the inversion of a series of parameters in the context of a 2D elasto-acoustic scattering problem. The inverse problem is solved by using a Newton-like method, where the shape of the scatterer is assumed to be Lipschitz-continuous. Herein, we want to recover the shape and the material parameters in the case of isotropic and anisotropic materials. Based on the different influences of these parameters on the far field pattern, the final goal is to propose an iterative algorithm to retrieve the parameters separately, by devoting some iterations to the reconstruction of the shape and the others to the determination of the parameters. On the other hand, due to the difficulties to retrieve the material parameters, the penetrability of scatters have been studied. The conclusion has been that the recovery of material parameters can be feasible, provided that the scattered waves are not completely reflected. The results of this work have been presented to the conference Inverse Problems for PDE in Bremen, Germany [24].