Section: New Results
Supercomputing for Helmholtz problems
Extend task-based node parallelism to cluster level: applications to geophysics
Participants : Emmanuel Agullo, Lionel Boillot, George Bosilca, Henri Calandra, Corentin Rossignon.
The context of this work is to replace static parallelism based on MPI threads and/or CUDA by dynamic task-based parallelism on top of runtime systems. On a previous work, we demonstrated the speed-up of the new solution when applied to geophysics, at a node level. Moreover, this task paradigm proved its flexibility on several architectures such as ccNUMA big nodes or many-core Intel Xeon Phi co-processors.
We extended this principle to a set of nodes, eventually heterogeneous, in order to measure performance at a cluster level. Preliminary results on few homogeneous nodes were encouraging, ie still faster than pure MPI. Unfortunately, the geophysics algorithm being too repetitive, the load-balancing issue which can be removed within a node (i.e. between cores) comes back between nodes when they are numerous or few but heterogeneous. This is due to the work-stealing feature of the task paradigm which is by default enabled at the node level only.
To overcome this problem, we extended the work-stealing feature to cluster level. To do that we used the task identification by geometrical sub-meshes to detect candidates that can be exchanged between nodes. Then, we compared PAPI counters on these tasks to find the best choice. Finally, we use a separate task-based program to automatically do the main code task update. Preliminary results show clear improvement of load-balancing at cluster level.
This work has been presented to the conferences Rice Oil&Gas[34] and SIAM-PP (Parallel Processing) [35].
Numerical libraries for hybrid meshes in a discontinuous Galerkin context
Participants : Hélène Barucq, Lionel Boillot, Aurelien Citrain, Julien Diaz.
Elasticus team code 5.1 has been designed for triangles and tetrahedra mesh cell types. The first part of this work was dedicated to add quadrangle libraries and then to extend them to hybrid triangles-quadrangles (so in 2D). This implied to work on polynomials to form functions basis for the (discontinuous) finite element method, to finally be able to construct reference matrices (mass, stiffness, ...).
A complementary work has been done on mesh generation. The goal was to encircle an unstructured triangle mesh, obtained by third-party softwares, with a quadrangle mesh layer. At first, we built scripts to generate structured triangle meshes, quadrangle meshes and hybrid meshes (triangles surrounded by quadrangles). We are finalizing now the unstructured-goal.
The purpose is to use the h-adaptivity of discontinuous Galerkin method to easily encircle unstructured tetrehedra with hexahedra to form hybrid meshes (so in 3D). In addition, it would be interesting to couple numerical methods depending on the element types.
Code transfer: TMBM-DG/THBM into Total R&D environment
Participants : Lionel Boillot, Julien Diaz.
The goal of the DIP collaboration between Total and Inria is to transfer the validated research codes. At first, DIVA-DG has been created in conjunction with Total developers team. It concerns the time modeling of wave propagation. Then, we forked it into Elasticus code to focus on mathematical research at the Inria side. Finally, once validated, we managed its transfer into the recent Total R&D environment (so instead of DIVA template, we moved to TMBM template) to form the TMBM-DG 5.4 code. The entire code has been transferred now, including unit tests and full documentation.
In the meantime, another code emerged within the DIP collaboration, THBM, concerning the frequency modeling of wave propagation. The development is directly done since the beginning in the Total R&D environment. An important part is already validated while research still continues.
Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving the elastic Helmholtz equations
Participants : Marie Bonnasse-Gahot, Henri Calandra, Julien Diaz, Stéphane Lanteri.
The advantage of performing seismic imaging in frequency domain is that it is not necessary to store the solution at each time step of the forward simulation. Unfortunately, the drawback of the Helmholtz equations, when considering 3D realistic elastic cases, lies in solving large linear systems. This represents today a challenging task even with the use of High Performance Computing (HPC). To reduce the size of the global linear system, we developed a Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin method (HDGm). It consists in expressing the unknowns of the initial problem in function of the trace of the numerical solution on each face of the mesh cells. In this way the size of the matrix to be inverted only depends on the number of degrees of freedom on each face and on the number of the faces of the mesh, instead of the number of degrees of freedom on each cell and on the number of the cells of the mesh as we have for the classical Discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGm). The solution to the initial problem is then recovered thanks to independent elementwise calculation. This results were presented in a submitted paper.
Moreover, as the HDG global matrix is very sparse, we focus on a suitable solver for this kind of matrix. We tested two linear solvers: a parallel sparse direct solver MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) and a hybrid solver MaPHyS (Massively Parallel Hybrid Solver) which combines direct and iterative methods. We compared the performances of the two solvers when solving 3D elastic waves propagation over HDGm. These comparisons were presented at the MATHIAS 2016 conference and at the DIP Workshop [36], [37]
A Symmetric Trefftz-DG Formulation based on a Local Boundary Element Method for the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation.
Participants : Hélène Barucq, Abderrahmane Bendali, M'Barek Fares, Vanessa Mattesi, Sébastien Tordeux.
A general symmetric Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin method is built in [12] for solving the Helmholtz equation with piecewise constant coefficients. The construction of the cor- responding local solutions to the Helmholtz equation is based on a boundary element method. A series of numerical experiments displays an excellent stability of the method relatively to the penalty parameters, and more importantly its outstanding ability to reduce the instabilities known as the “pollution effect” in the literature on numerical simulations of long-range wave propagation.