Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Marie Doumic has moved in September 2015 for a 1-year sabbatical to the Wolfgang Pauli Institute in Vienna.
Stefan Hoehme left in July 2015 to start a prestigious “Emmy Noether” junior research group at University of Leipzig, faculty for computer sciences. Of note, this is the first Emmy Noether research group in Leipzig, and he was the only one accepted this year (out of 20 presented).
Nicolas Vauchelet left the team in September 2015, becoming a full professor at University Paris XIII.
THE ITMO Cancer national call.
The team has been successful in simultaneously participating in 2 different funded projects of the ITMO Cancer THE (“Tumour Heterogeneity in its Ecosystem”, a programme managed by INSERM) national call for 2016: one, EcoAML (4 teams), on early leukaemogenesis in Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia (AML), headed by François Delhommeau (CDR St Antoine, Paris), with whom we have a long-lasting collaboration, and the other, MoGlImaging (8 teams), on treatment-induced treatment resistance and heterogeneity in glioblastoma, headed by Elizabeth Moyal (INSERM, Toulouse), a project inside which we have recently developed a work collaboration with the team of François Vallette (INSERM, Nantes) on the in-vitro resistance of glioblastoma to temozolomide. In both these collaborative projects, begun in November 2016 and to be integrated in 2017 in the future THE consortium (gathering the 6 projects laureates to the national call), we propose to develop our phenotype-structured models for both the cancer and the supporting stromal cell populations, with representation of mutualistic interactions between them.