Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
The cut locus: A bridge over differential geometry, optimal control and transport, Bangkok, August 2016 (B. Bonnard, J.-B. Caillau, K. Kondo, L. Rifford, M. Tanaka). The conference was organized with the support of the Thai KMITL University and gathered 30 people mostly from Japan, Thailand and France.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Séminaire de géométrie hamiltonienne, Paris 6 (J.-B. Caillau). Bi-mensual seminar.
Journée McTAO, Inria Sophia, January 2016. One day event organized by the team with four invited speakers.
10th International Young Researcher Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control, Paris (IHP), January 2016 (J.-B. Caillau). The workshop gathered 50 people for conferences and mini-courses.
Journées SMAI-MODE, Toulouse, March 2016 (J.-B. Caillau). The conference gathered 140 researchers, and was coupled with a series of two mini-courses co-organized with GdR MOA.
Journée MokaTAO, Inria Paris, October 2016. Two-day event co-organized by Mokaplan (Inria Paris) and McTAO teams, with talks by members of these teams. The two teams share common interests in optimization and optimal transportation.
Groupe de travail "Optimisation et applications", Inria Sophia Antipolis, November 2016 (J.-B. Caillau). One day event with four invited speakers.
Springer briefs
B. Bonnard and J. Rouot, together with M. Chyba, have written the series of notes [28], submitted as Springer briefsPublications. They were the basis of courses at the Phd level given at the University of Burgundy and at the institute of Mathematics for industry at Fukuoka (Japan)
Springer Maths and Industry
B. Bonnard, together with M. Chyba, served as an editor of the volume [18], which gather contributions on the subject by specialists of both academics and space agencies.
Radon Series on Comput. and Applied Math.
J.-B. Caillau, together with M. Bergounioux, G. Peyré, C. Schnörr and T. Haberkorn, served as an editor for the volume [21]. With a focus on the interplay between mathematics and applications of imaging, the first part covers topics from optimization, inverse problems and shape spaces to computer vision and computational anatomy. The second part is geared towards geometric control and related topics, including Riemannian geometry, celestial mechanics and quantum control.
Member of the Editorial Boards
L. Rifford has been a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - A" since 2014.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The team members have reviewed articles in 2016 for the following journals: SIAM J. Control & Optim., ESAIM Control Optim. and Calc. Var., Automatica, J. Dyn. Control Syst., J. Optim. Theory Appl., J. Math. Pures Appl., Inventiones Mathematicae, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Advances in Differential Equations, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Annales Scientifiques de l'ENS, Nonlinear Analysis, Communications in Mathematical Physics
Invited Talks
J.-B. Caillau
03/2016: Séminaire Géométrie et dynamique, Nice
04/2016: Séminaire de Géométrie hamiltonienne, Paris
05/2016: Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Perpignan
06/2016: Alicante-Limoges-Elche Meeting on Optimization, Cartagena
08/2016: The cut locus: A bridge over differential geometry, optimal control and transport, Bangkok
09/2016: Séminaire Astrogéo, Observatoire de la côte d'azur, Sophia
L. Giraldi
11/2016: Controllability and hysteresis, Trento, Italie
L. Rifford
02/2016: Rencontre d'Analyse Mathématique et ses Applications, Ouargla (Algeria)
02/2016: Séminaire de Calculs des Variations et EDP, Aix-Marseille University
03/2016: CIMPA Research School "Géométrie et Analyse", Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
03/2016: Séminaire Bourbaki, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
04/2016: Colloquium de l'Institut de Mathématiques, University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
04/2016: International Conference of the GE2MI, Hammamet (Tunisia)
05/2016: Colloquium du Département de Mathématiques, University of Orsay
05/2016:Geometric control and sub-Riemannian geometry, Course given at the University of Isfahan (Iran)
06/2016: Analysis, Geometry, and Optimal Transport, KIAS, Seoul (South Korea)
08/2016: The cut locus, KIMTL, Bangkok (Thailand)
11/2016: Dynamical Systems Seminar, ETH Zurich
11/2016: Dynamics and Geometry Seminar, University Nice Sophia Antipolis
12/2016: Seminar of Hamiltonian Geometry, Paris VI
12/2016: 2016 Analysis School in Benin, IMPS, Benin
Leadership within the Scientific Community
J.-B. Caillau has been head of the SMAI-MODE group (2014-2016), the group on optimization of the French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics.
L. Rifford has been executive director of CIMPA since September 2016.
Scientific Expertise
J.-B. Caillau is member of the scientific committees of the “Institut de Mécanique Céleste de Calcul des Éphémérides” and of the GdR Calcul, and corresponding member in Dijon for the Labex AMIES.
J.-B. Pomet is a member of the steering committee of “C4PO”, a structuring project of the IDEX UCAJEDI .
Research Administration
J.-B. Caillau is the joint head of the CNRS team Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation & Contrôle at the Math. Institute of Univ. Bourgogne & Franche-Comté.
J.-B. Pomet has been an elected member of the Inria Evaluation Committee (commission d'évaluation) since 2014.