Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


J.-B. Caillau has managed L1 math and the master of applied mathematics (M2 MIGS) of Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2014-2016). He has been a designated member of the Conseil pédagogique du Département de Mathématiques at UBFC (2014-2016), and of the Conseil de l'UFR Mathématiques & Informatique at Univ. Paris I (2014-2016). His teaching duties in 2016 include:

  • Licence : cours d'analyse (analysis), 100 H équivalent TD, niveau L1, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France

  • Master : approximation géométrique (geometric approximation), 50 H équivalent TD, niveau M1, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France

  • Master : optimisation, 50 H équivalent TD, niveau M2, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France

  • Master : contrôle optimal (optimal control), 20 H équivalent TD, niveau M2, ENSTA-Paristech, France

L. Giraldi is responsible of the following courses:

  • Licence : “colles de mathématiques”, MPSI and MP, 4 H équivalent TD/week, L1 L2, Lycée International de Valbonne,

  • Licence : numerical analysis, 20 H équivalent TD, L3, Polytech Nice Sophia,

  • Master : numerical analysis project, 30 H équivalent TD, M1, Polytech Nice Sophia.


  • PhD: Zheng Chen, L1-minimization in space mechanics, Univ. Paris Saclay, defended September, 2016, J.-B. Caillau (co-supervised with Y. Chitour) [1]

  • PhD: Jérémy Rouot, , Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, Geometric and numerical methods in optimal control and application to orbit transfer and swimming at low Reynolds number. Defended November, 2016, co-supervised by B. Bonnard and J.-B. Pomet. [2]

  • PhD in progress: Achille Sassi, to be defended 01/2017, Numerical methods for hybrid control and chance-constrained optimization problems, Univ. Paris Saclay, J.-B. Caillau (co-supervised with M. Cerf, E. Trélat and H. Zidani)

  • PhD in progress: Michaël Orieux, started 10/2015, Dynamical systems and optimal control, Univ. Paris Dauphine, J.-B. Caillau (co-supervised with J. Féjoz)

  • PhD in progress: Zeinab Badreddine, started 09/2014, Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Optimal Transport, co-supervised by L. Rifford and B. Bonnard.

  • PhD in progress: Sébastien Fueyo, started 09/2016, Testing stability of nonlinear amplifier by frequency-domain methods. J.-B. Pomet (co-supervised with L. Baratchart).

  • PhD in progress: Alice Nolot, started 09/2016, Sub-Riemannian geometry and optimal swimming at low Reynolds number. B. Bonnard.


In 2016, J.-B. Caillau referee for Jiamin Zhu (Univ. Paris 6) and Maxime Chupin (Univ. Paris 6) PhD theses, for the HDR of Aude Rondepierre (Univ. Toulouse), and jury member for the PhD thesis of Clément Royer (Univ. Toulouse).