Section: New Results
Predicting Traffic Load in Public Transportation Networks
This work is part of an ongoing effort to understand the dynamics of passenger loads in modern, multimodal transportation networks (TNs) and to mitigate the impact of perturbations, under the restrictions that the precise number of passengers in some point of the TN that intend to reach a certain destination (i.e. their distribution over different trip profiles) is unknown. In [29], we introduce an approach based on a stochastic hybrid automaton model for a TN that allows to compute how such probabilistic load vectors are propagated through the TN. In [23], [30], develop a computation strategy for forecasting the network's load a certain time in the future.
In [22], [28], we continue our work on perturbation analysis of multimodal transportation networks (TNs) by means of a stochastic hybrid automaton (SHA) model. We focus here on the approximate computation , in particular on the major bottleneck consisting in the high dimensionality of systems of stochastic differential balance equations (SDEs) that define the continuous passenger-flow dynamics in the different modes of the SHA model. In fact, for every pair of a mode and a station, one system of coupled SDEs relates the passenger loads of all discrete points such as platforms considered in this station, and all vehicles docked to it, to the passenger flows in between. In general, such an SDE system has many dimensions, which makes its numerical computation and thus the approximate computation of the SHA model intractable. We show how these systems can be canonically replaced by lower-dimensional ones, by decoupling the passenger flows inside every mode from one another. We prove that the resulting approximating passenger-flow dynamics converges to the original one, if the replacing set of balance equations set up for all decoupled passenger flows communicate their results among each other in vanishing time intervals.
For more information about the whole project, see [27].