Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Stéphane Girard, Statistique Inférentielle Avancée, 41 ETD, M1 level, Ensimag. Grenoble-INP, France.

  • Master : Stéphane Girard, Introduction à la statistique des valeurs extrêmes, 15 ETD, M2 level, Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal.

  • Licence : Alexis Arnaud, Probability and statistics, 56 ETD, L2 level, IUT2 Grenoble, Université Pierre Mendès France.

  • Master: Jean-Baptiste Durand, Statistics and probability, 192 ETD, M1 and M2 levels, Ensimag Grenoble INP, France. Head of the MSIAM M2 programme, in charge of the statistics and data science tracks ([12]).

  • J.-B. Durand is a faculty member at Ensimag, Grenoble INP.

  • J-M. Becu, C. Albert, B. Olivier are teaching at UGA.

  • Master and PhD course: Julyan Arbel gave a course on Bayesian statistics, 30 ETD, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Turin, Italy.


  • Aina Frau-Pascual, “Statistical models for the analysis of ASL and BOLD functional magnetic resonance modalities to study brain function and disease”, defended on December 19, 2016, Université Grenoble-Alpes, supervised by Florence Forbes and Philippe Ciuciu (CEA, Inria parietal ).

  • Seydou Nourou Sylla, “Modélisation et classification de données binaires en grande dimension - Application à l'autopsie verbale”, defended on December 21, 2016, Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal, supervised by Abdou Diongue (Université Gaston Berger, Sénégal) and Stéphane Girard.

  • Alessandro Chiancone, “Réduction de dimension via Sliced Inverse Regression: Idées et nouvelles propositions”, defended on October 28, 2016, Université Grenoble-Alpes, supervised by Stéphane Girard and Jocelyn Chanussot (Grenoble INP).

  • PhD in progress: Thibaud Rahier, “Data-mining pour la fusion de données structurées et non-structurées”, started on November 2015, Florence Forbes and Stéphane Girard.

  • PhD in progress: Clément Albert, “Limites de crédibilité d'extrapolation des lois de valeurs extrêmes”, started on January 2016, Stéphane Girard.

  • PhD in progress: Maïlys Lopes, “Télédétection en écologie du paysage : statistiques en grande dimension pour la multirésolution spatiale et la haute résolution temporelle”, started on November 2014, Stéphane Girard and Mathieu Fauvel (INRA Toulouse).

  • PhD in progress: Alexis Arnaud “Multiparametric MRI statistical analysis for the identification and follow-up of brain tumors ”, October 2014, Florence Forbes and Emmanuel Barbier (GIN).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre-Antoine Rodesch, “Spectral tomography and tomographic reconstruction algorithms”, October 2015, Florence Forbes and Veronique Rebuffel (CEA Grenoble).

  • PhD in progress: Brice Olivier, “Joint analysis of eye-movements and EEGs using coupled hidden Markov and topic models”, October 2015, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Marianne Clausel and Anne Guérin-Dugué (Université Grenoble Alpes).


  • Stéphane Girard has been reviewer of three PhD theses in 2016:

    - Cees de Valk, “A large deviation approach to the statistics of extreme events”, Tilburg University, Netherlands, December 2016.

    - Nicolas Goix, “Apprentissage automatique et extrêmes et pour la détection d'anomalies”, Telecom ParisTech, november 2016.

    - Anthony Zullo, “Analyse de données fonctionnelles en télédétection hyperspectrale : application à l'étude des paysages agri-forestiers”, Univ. Toulouse, September 2016.

  • S. Girard was a member of two PhD committees in 2016:

    - Quentin Sebille, “Modélisation spatiale de valeurs extrêmes, application à l'étude de précipitations en France, Univ. Lyon, december 2016.

    - Khalil Said, “Mesures de risque multivariées et applications en science actuarielle”, Univ. Lyon, december 2016.

  • Florence Forbes has been reviewer of 1 PhD thesis in 2016:

    - Hong Phuong Dang, December 1st, 2016, Centrale Lille.

  • F. Forbes was a member of one PhD committee in 2016:

    - Mohanad Albughdadi, September 2016, ENSHEEIT, Toulouse.


S. Girard was a member of the HDR committee of Mathieu Ribatet, Univ. Montpellier, November 2016.

F. Forbes was in the HDR committee of Sophie Achard, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, May 2016.

Other committees
  • S. Girard is a member of the "Comité des Emplois Scientifiques" at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes since 2015.

  • F. Forbes is a member of the Committee for technological project and engineer candidate selection at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes ("Commission du développement technologique ") since 2015.

  • Since 2015, S. Girard is a member of the INRA committee (CSS MBIA) in charge of evaluating INRA researchers once a year in the MBIA dept of INRA.

  • F. Forbes has been a member of 2 selection committees for Professors at Centrale-Supelec and Centrale Nantes and 1 selection committee for Assistant Professor at Paris-Sud University.