Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
- CIFRE PhD with SCHNEIDER (2015-2018).
F. Forbes and S. Girard are the advisors of a CIFRE PhD (T. Rahier) with Schneider Electric. The other advisor is S. Marié from Schneider Electric. The goal is to develop specific data mining techniques able to merge and to take advantage of both structured and unstructured (meta)data collected by a wide variety of Schneider Electric sensors to improve the quality of insights that can be produced. The total financial support for MISTIS is of 165 keuros.
- PhD contract with EDF (2016-2018).
S. Girard is the advisor of a PhD (A. Clément) with EDF. The goal is to investigate sensitivity analysis and extrapolation limits in Extreme value theory with application to river flows analysis.