Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
Partner: Intel Gmbh (Germany), Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany), Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (Germany), Universitaet Regensburg (Germany), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V (Germany), Eurotech Spa (Italy), Consorzio Interuniversitario Cineca (Italy), Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion (Spain), Xyratex Technology Limited (United Kingdom), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Stichting Astronomisch Onderzoek in Nederland (The Netherlands) and Inria (France).
Abstract: the DEEP-ER project aims at extending the Cluster-Booster Architecture that has been developed within the DEEP project with a highly scalable, efficient, easy-to-use parallel I/O system and resiliency mechanisms. A Prototype will be constructed leveraging advances in hardware components and integrate new storage technologies. They will be the basis to develop a highly scalable, efficient and user-friendly parallel I/O system tailored to HPC applications. Building on this I/O functionality a unified user-level checkpointing system with reduced overhead will be developed, exploiting multiple levels of storage. The DEEP programming model will be extended to introduce easy-to-use annotations to control checkpointing, and to combine automatic re-execution of failed tasks and recovery of long-running tasks from multi-level checkpoint. The requirements of HPC codes with regards to I/O and resiliency will guide the design of the DEEP-ER hardware and software components. Seven applications will be optimised for the DEEP-ER Prototype to demonstrate and validate the benefits of the DEEP-ER extensions to the Cluster-Booster Architecture.
Partner: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas - CIEMAT (Spain), REPSOL SA (Spain), Iberdrola Renovables Energia SA (spain), Lancaster University (United Kingdom), COPPE/UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), LNCC (Brazil), INF/UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), CER/UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil), PETROBRAS (Brazil), TOTAL SA (France), and Inria (France).
Abstract: This project aims to apply the new exascale HPC techniques to energy industry simulations, customizing them, and going beyond the state-of-the-art in the required HPC exascale simulations for different energy sources: wind energy production and design, efficient combustion systems for biomass-derived fuels (biogas), and exploration geophysics for hydrocarbon reservoirs. For wind energy industry HPC is a must. The competitiveness of wind farms can be guaranteed only with accurate wind resource assessment, farm design and short-term micro-scale wind simulations to forecast the daily power production. The use of CFD LES models to analyse atmospheric flow in a wind farm capturing turbine wakes and array effects requires exascale HPC systems. Biogas, i.e. biomass-derived fuels by anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, is attractive because of its wide availability, renewability and reduction of CO2 emissions, contribution to diversification of energy supply, rural development, and it does not compete with feed and food feedstock. However, its use in practical systems is still limited since the complex fuel composition might lead to unpredictable combustion performance and instabilities in industrial combustors. The next generation of exascale HPC systems will be able to run combustion simulations in parameter regimes relevant to industrial applications using alternative fuels, which is required to design efficient furnaces, engines, clean burning vehicles and power plants. One of the main HPC consumers is the oil & gas (O&G) industry. The computational requirements arising from full wave-form modelling and inversion of seismic and electromagnetic data is ensuring that the O&G industry will be an early adopter of exascale computing technologies. By taking into account the complete physics of waves in the subsurface, imaging tools are able to reveal information about the Earth’s interior with unprecedented quality.