Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
SPEEDD (Scalable ProactivE Event-Driven Decision making)
Objective: ICT-2013.4.2a – Scalable data analytics – Scalable Algorithms, software frameworks and viualisation
Coordinator: National Centre of Scientific Research `Demokritos' (Greece)
Partners: IBM Israel, ETH Zurich (CH), Technion (Israel), Univ. of Birmingham (UK), NeCS CNRS (France), FeedZai (Portugal)
Abstract: SPEEDD is developing a prototype for robust forecasting and proactive event-driven decision-making, with on-the-fly processing of Big Data, and resilient to the inherent data uncertainties. NeCS leads the intelligent traffic-management use and show case.
See also:
Abstract: The overall aim of Scale-FreeBack is to develop holistic scale-free control methods of controlling complex network systems in the widest sense, and to set the foundations for a new control theory dealing with complex physical networks with an arbitrary size. Scale-FreeBack envisions devising a complete, coherent design approach ensuring the scalability of the whole chain (modelling, observation, and control). It is also expected to find specific breakthrough solutions to the problems involved in managing and monitoring large-scale road traffic networks. Field tests and other realistic simulations to validate the theory will be performed using the equipment available at the Grenoble Traffic Lab center (see GTL), and a microscopic traffic simulator replicating the full complexity of the Grenoble urban network.
See also: