
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1X. Alameda-Pineda, R. Horaud.

    A Geometric Approach to Sound Source Localization from Time-Delay Estimates, in: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, June 2014, vol. 22, no 6, pp. 1082-1095. [ DOI : 10.1109/TASLP.2014.2317989 ]

  • 2X. Alameda-Pineda, R. Horaud.

    Vision-Guided Robot Hearing, in: International Journal of Robotics Research, April 2015, vol. 34, no 4-5, pp. 437-456. [ DOI : 10.1177/0278364914548050 ]

  • 3N. Andreff, B. Espiau, R. Horaud.

    Visual Servoing from Lines, in: International Journal of Robotics Research, 2002, vol. 21, no 8, pp. 679–700.

  • 4F. Cuzzolin, D. Mateus, R. Horaud.

    Robust Temporally Coherent Laplacian Protrusion Segmentation of 3D Articulated Bodies, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, March 2015, vol. 112, no 1, pp. 43-70. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11263-014-0754-0 ]

  • 5A. Deleforge, F. Forbes, R. Horaud.

    Acoustic Space Learning for Sound-Source Separation and Localization on Binaural Manifolds, in: International Journal of Neural Systems, February 2015, vol. 25, no 1, 21p p. [ DOI : 10.1142/S0129065714400036 ]

  • 6A. Deleforge, F. Forbes, R. Horaud.

    High-Dimensional Regression with Gaussian Mixtures and Partially-Latent Response Variables, in: Statistics and Computing, September 2015, vol. 25, no 5, pp. 893-911. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11222-014-9461-5 ]

  • 7A. Deleforge, R. Horaud, Y. Y. Schechner, L. Girin.

    Co-Localization of Audio Sources in Images Using Binaural Features and Locally-Linear Regression, in: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, April 2015, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 718-731. [ DOI : 10.1109/TASLP.2015.2405475 ]

  • 8G. Evangelidis, M. Hansard, R. Horaud.

    Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, November 2015, vol. 37, no 11, pp. 2178 - 2192. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2400465 ]

  • 9M. Hansard, G. Evangelidis, Q. Pelorson, R. Horaud.

    Cross-Calibration of Time-of-flight and Colour Cameras, in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, April 2015, vol. 134, pp. 105-115. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.09.001 ]

  • 10M. Hansard, R. Horaud, M. Amat, G. Evangelidis.

    Automatic Detection of Calibration Grids in Time-of-Flight Images, in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, April 2014, vol. 121, pp. 108-118. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.01.007 ]

  • 11M. Hansard, R. Horaud.

    Cyclopean geometry of binocular vision, in: Journal of the Optical Society of America A, September 2008, vol. 25, no 9, pp. 2357-2369. [ DOI : 10.1364/JOSAA.25.002357 ]

  • 12M. Hansard, R. Horaud.

    Cyclorotation Models for Eyes and Cameras, in: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, March 2010, vol. 40, no 1, pp. 151-161. [ DOI : 10.1109/TSMCB.2009.2024211 ]

  • 13M. Hansard, R. Horaud.

    A Differential Model of the Complex Cell, in: Neural Computation, September 2011, vol. 23, no 9, pp. 2324-2357. [ DOI : 10.1162/NECO_a_00163 ]

  • 14M. Hansard, S. Lee, O. Choi, R. Horaud.

    Time of Flight Cameras: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer, October 2012, 95 p.

  • 15R. Horaud, G. Csurka, D. Demirdjian.

    Stereo Calibration from Rigid Motions, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, December 2000, vol. 22, no 12, pp. 1446–1452. [ DOI : 10.1109/34.895977 ]

  • 16R. Horaud, F. Forbes, M. Yguel, G. Dewaele, J. Zhang.

    Rigid and Articulated Point Registration with Expectation Conditional Maximization, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, March 2011, vol. 33, no 3, pp. 587-602. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2010.94 ]

  • 17R. Horaud, M. Niskanen, G. Dewaele, E. Boyer.

    Human Motion Tracking by Registering an Articulated Surface to 3-D Points and Normals, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, January 2009, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 158-163. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2008.108 ]

  • 18V. Khalidov, F. Forbes, R. Horaud.

    Conjugate Mixture Models for Clustering Multimodal Data, in: Neural Computation, February 2011, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 517-557. [ DOI : 10.1162/NECO_a_00074 ]

  • 19D. Knossow, R. Ronfard, R. Horaud.

    Human Motion Tracking with a Kinematic Parameterization of Extremal Contours, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, September 2008, vol. 79, no 3, pp. 247-269. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11263-007-0116-2 ]

  • 20M. Sapienza, M. Hansard, R. Horaud.

    Real-time Visuomotor Update of an Active Binocular Head, in: Autonomous Robots, January 2013, vol. 34, no 1, pp. 33-45. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10514-012-9311-2 ]

  • 21A. Zaharescu, E. Boyer, R. Horaud.

    Topology-Adaptive Mesh Deformation for Surface Evolution, Morphing, and Multi-View Reconstruction, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, April 2011, vol. 33, no 4, pp. 823-837. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2010.116 ]

  • 22A. Zaharescu, E. Boyer, R. Horaud.

    Keypoints and Local Descriptors of Scalar Functions on 2D Manifolds, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, October 2012, vol. 100, no 1, pp. 78-98. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11263-012-0528-5 ]

  • 23A. Zaharescu, R. Horaud.

    Robust Factorization Methods Using A Gaussian/Uniform Mixture Model, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, March 2009, vol. 81, no 3, pp. 240-258. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11263-008-0169-x ]

Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 24S. Ba, X. Alameda-Pineda, A. Xompero, R. Horaud.

    An On-line Variational Bayesian Model for Multi-Person Tracking from Cluttered Scenes, in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, December 2016, vol. 153, pp. 64–76. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cviu.2016.07.006 ]

  • 25I. D. Gebru, X. Alameda-Pineda, F. Forbes, R. Horaud.

    EM Algorithms for Weighted-Data Clustering with Application to Audio-Visual Scene Analysis, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, December 2016, vol. 38, no 12, pp. 2402 - 2415. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2016.2522425 ]

  • 26I. Gebru, S. Ba, X. Li, R. Horaud.

    Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization Based on Spatiotemporal Bayesian Fusion, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, January 2017, 14 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2017.2648793 ]

  • 27R. Horaud, M. Hansard, G. Evangelidis, M. Clément.

    An Overview of Depth Cameras and Range Scanners Based on Time-of-Flight Technologies, in: Machine Vision and Applications Journal, October 2016, vol. 27, no 7, pp. 1005–1020. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00138-016-0784-4 ]

  • 28D. Kounades-Bastian, L. Girin, X. Alameda-Pineda, S. Gannot, R. Horaud.

    A Variational EM Algorithm for the Separation of Time-Varying Convolutive Audio Mixtures, in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, April 2016, vol. 24, no 8, pp. 1408-1423. [ DOI : 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2554286 ]

  • 29X. Li, L. Girin, R. Horaud, S. Gannot.

    Estimation of the Direct-Path Relative Transfer Function for Supervised Sound-Source Localization, in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, November 2016, vol. 24, no 11, pp. 2171 - 2186. [ DOI : 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2598319 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 30Y. Ban, S. Ba, X. Alameda-Pineda, R. Horaud.

    Tracking Multiple Persons Based on a Variational Bayesian Model, in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2016, vol. Volume 9914, pp. 52-67. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-48881-3_5 ]

  • 31V. Drouard, S. Ba, R. Horaud.

    Switching Linear Inverse-Regression Model for Tracking Head Pose, in: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Santa Rosa, CA, United States, March 2017.

  • 32L. Girin, R. Badeau.

    On the Use of Latent Mixing Filters in Audio Source Separation, in: 13th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA 2017), Grenoble, France, Proc. 13th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA 2017), February 2017.

  • 33D. Kounades-Bastian, L. Girin, X. Alameda-Pineda, S. Gannot, R. Horaud.

    An Inverse-Gamma Source Variance Prior with Factorized Parameterization for Audio Source Separation, in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SIgnal Processing, Shanghai, China, IEEE Signal Processing Society, March 2016, pp. 136-140. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7471652 ]

  • 34D. Kounades-Bastian, L. Girin, X. Alameda-Pineda, S. Gannot, R. Horaud.

    An EM Algorithm for Joint Source Separation and Diarisation of Multichannel Convolutive Speech Mixtures, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, New Orleans, United States, March 2017.

  • 35S. Lathuilière, G. Evangelidis, R. Horaud.

    Recognition of Group Activities in Videos Based on Single- and Two-Person Descriptors, in: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Santa Rosa, CA, United States, March 2017.

  • 36X. Li, L. Girin, F. Badeig, R. Horaud.

    Reverberant Sound Localization with a Robot Head Based on Direct-Path Relative Transfer Function, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, South Korea, IEEE, October 2016, pp. 2819-2826. [ DOI : 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759437 ]

  • 37X. Li, L. Girin, S. Gannot, R. Horaud.

    Non-Stationary Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Based on Regional Statistics, in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SIgnal Processing, Shanghai, China, IEEE Signal Processing Society, March 2016, pp. 181-185. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7471661 ]

  • 38X. Li, L. Girin, R. Horaud.

    Audio Source Separation Based on Convolutive Transfer Function and Frequency-Domain Lasso Optimization, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, New Orleans, United States, March 2017.

  • 39X. Li, R. Horaud, L. Girin, S. Gannot.

    Voice Activity Detection Based on Statistical Likelihood Ratio With Adaptive Thresholding, in: International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, Xi'an, China, IEEE, September 2016, 5 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/IWAENC.2016.7602911 ]

  • 40B. Massé, S. Ba, R. Horaud.

    Simultaneous Estimation of Gaze Direction and Visual Focus of Attention for Multi-Person-to-Robot Interaction, in: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Seattle, United States, IEEE Signal Processing Society, July 2016, pp. 1-6. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICME.2016.7552986 ]


Internal Reports

  • 42V. Drouard, R. Horaud, A. Deleforge, S. Ba, G. Evangelidis.

    Robust Head-Pose Estimation Based on Partially-Latent Mixture of Linear Regression, Inria Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes, April 2016, 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables.

  • 43G. Evangelidis, R. Horaud.

    Joint Registration of Multiple Point Sets, Inria Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes, September 2016, 14 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables.

  • 44X. Li, L. Girin, R. Horaud, S. Gannot.

    Multiple-Speaker Localization Based on Direct-Path Features and Likelihood Maximization with Spatial Sparsity Regularization, Inria Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes, November 2016, 13 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables.
