Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • In December, PERCEPTION started a one year collaboration with the Digital Media and Communications R&D Center, Samsung Electronics (Seoul, Korea). The topic of this collaboration is multi-modal speaker localization and tracking (a central topic of the team) and is part of a strategic partnership between Inria and Samsung Electronics.

  • Over the past six years we have collaborated with Aldebaran Robotics (now SoftBank). This collaboration was part of two EU STREP projects, HUMAVIPS (2010-2012) and EARS (2014-2016). This enabled our team to establish strong connections with SoftBank, to design a stereoscopic camera head and to jointly develop several demonstrators using three different generations of the NAO robot.

    Website: https://team.inria.fr/perception/nao/

  • In 2015 we started a collaboration with Xerox Research Center India (XRCI), Bangalore. This three-year collaboration (2015-2017) is funded by a grant awarded by the Xerox Foundation University Affairs Committee (UAC) and the topic of the project is Advanced and Scalable Graph Signal Processing Techniques. The work is done in collaboration with EPI MISTIS and our Indian collaborators are Arijit Biswas and Anirban Mondal.