Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


James Crowley
  • James Crowley is Director of the Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG).

  • Master : Computer Vision, Course 27h EqTD, M2 year, Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble

  • Master 1: Intelligent Systems, Cours 54h EqTD, ENSIMAG and UFRIM2AG

  • ENSIMAG 3 : Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Cours 27h EqTD, ENSIMAG

Sabine Coquillart
  • Master : Sabine Coquillart Taught a course on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces for the GVR Master 2R

  • Master : Sabine Coquillart teaches a one day course on 3D User Interfaces and Augmented Reality for the Numerical Modeling and Virtual Reality Master 2 in Laval.

Thierry Fraichard
  • Master MOSIG 1st year: Introduction to Perception and Robotics, 22.5 hEqTD.

  • Master MOSIG 2nd year: Autonomous Robotics, 22.5 heqTD

Dominique Vaufreydaz
  • Co-responsibility of the Graphic, Vision and Robotics track of the MOSIG Master programme.

  • Licence: Competences Numerique, 80h eqTD,L1, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: Informatique appliquee a l’economie et a la gestion, enseignement a distance, Licence, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: Pratique avancee du Tableur, 72 h eqTD, L3, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence Professionnelle: Enquêtes et traitement d’enquêtes avec le logiciel Sphinx, 12h eqTD, Licence pro Metiers de l’Emploi et de la Formation, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence Professionnelle: Administration en environnement heterogene, 20h eqTD, Licence pro Administration et Securite des Systemes et des Reseaux, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • IUT annee speciale: Programmation C++, 18h eqTD, Annee Speciale IUT Informatique, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: Pratique avancee du Tableur, 22 h eqTD, M1 economie internationale et strategies d’acteurs, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: Mise a niveau Informatique pour l’economie, 22h eqTD, M1 Economie des Organisations, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Master: Traitement des donnees du Web, 15h eqTD, M2 Mathematiques et Informatique Appliquees aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Master: Developpement Web Mobile, 15h eqTD, M2 Mathematiques et Informatique Appliquees aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Master: co-responsable de l'option Graphic Vision Robotic (GVR) du Master 2 MOSIG.

Thierry Fraichard
  • Master: Thierry Fraichard, Advanced Robotics, 54h eqTD, M2 MOSIG, Univ. of Grenoble, France.

Patrick Reignier
  • Patrick Reignier has been elected member of the Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire of Grenoble INP

  • Patrick Reignier has been nominated as a member of the Conseil de la Formation Continue de Grenoble INP

  • Patrick Reignier Supervises the industrial part of the “formation en apprentissage” of the ENSIMAG engineering school.

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Projet Genie Logiciel, 55h eqTD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France.

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Developpement d'applications communicantes, 18h eqTD, M2, ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Introduction aux applications reparties, 18h eqTD, M2, ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Applications Web et Mobiles , 27h eqTD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Projet Systeme, 12h eq TD, M1,  ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Algorithmique, 50h eq TD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France

  • Licence: Patrick Reignier, Projet C, 20h eqTD, L3, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France.


  • Thierry Fraichard served as a rapporteur for a doctoral jury at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

  • Thierry Fraichard served as a rapporteur for a doctoral jury at INP Toulouse.

  • James Crowley served as a reporter for the doctoral jury of Ninghang Hu at the University of Amsterdam