Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

General Chair, Scientific Chair

  • Sabine Coquillart has served as general co-chair for IEEE VR 2016, Greenville South Carolina.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

  • Patrick Reignier served as a member program committee for the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

  • James L. Crowley served as a member program committee for Ubicomp 2016

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served on the program committee of the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning (MTEL2016).

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served on the program committee for the 8th international on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2016)

  • Thierry Fraichasd served as a member of the programme committee of the 1st Int. Workshop on Robot Learning and Planning (RLP) in conjunction with the "Robotics: Science and Systems" conference.

Reviewer for conferences

  • Patrick Reignier served as a review for the International Journal of Datascience and Analytics

  • James L. Crowley served as review for IEEE CVPR 2016

  • James L. Crowley served as review for ICPR 2016

  • James L. Crowley served as review for CNIA 2016

  • James L. Crowley served as review for ECCV 2016

  • James L. Crowley served as review for RFIA 2016

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as review for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as review for UbiComp 2016

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as review for ICSR 2016

  • Thierry Fraichard served as a reviewer for the following conferences: RLP, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), and IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).

  • Thierry Fraichard reviewed articles for the following journals: Int. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles, and IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics.


  • Thierry Fraichard reviewed articles for the Int. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles, and IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics.

Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Editorial Board of the Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Advisory/Editorial Board for the International Journal of Computer Graphics SERSC.

  • Sabine Coquillart is a Member of the Editorial Board of Peer Computer Science open access Journal in Computer Science.

  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Editorial board (computer Sciences) of the Scientific World Journal.

  • Sabine Coquillart is Review Editor for the Frontiers in Virtual Environments journal.

  • Patrick Reignier is a member of the "comite de redaction" of the Modeling and Using Context journal (ISTE OpenScience)

  • Thierry Fraichard is serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. He also served as an Associate Editor for IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robots and Systems (IROS).

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Sabine Coquillart is elected member of the EUROGRAPHICS Executive Committee.

  • Sabine Coquillart is member of the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group and Workshop board.

  • Patrick Reignier is an elected member of the Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle Executive Committee

Scientific expertise

  • James L. Crowley served on the selection committee for Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

  • James L. Crowley served on the selection panel for the EC H2020 ICT Robotics program

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as evaluator pour l'ANR

  • Patrick Reignier served on the selection committee for an associate professor position at the University Grenoble Alps

  • Thierry Fraichard served as an expert reviewer for the European Commission (H2020 FET and ICT calls).

Research administration

  • James L. Crowley has been elected member of the Conseil d'Administration of the COMUE University Grenoble Alpes

  • James L. Crowley has been elected member of the Conseil du Laboratoire of the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.

  • James L. Crowley serves on the Administrative Office (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.

  • James L. Crowley Serves on the Commission d'Habilitation de Diriger la Recherche (HDR) for the Pole Informatics and Mathematics of the University Grenoble Alpes.

  • James L. Crowley Serves on the Comittee Scientific (CoS) d'Inria Grenoble Rhone-Alpes Research Center

  • James L. Crowley Serves on Steering Committee of the Inovallee TARMAC technology Incubator.

  • James L. Crowley is director of the Amiqual4Home Equipment of Excellence (EquipEx).

  • Patrick Reignier is head of the engineering support group of the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble

  • Patrick Reignier serves on the Administrative Office (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.