Section: New Software and Platforms
Other software developments
In collaboration with François Pottier (Inria Gallium), Yann Régis-Gianas maintained Menhir, an LR parser generator for OCaml. Yann Régis-Gianas develops the “Hacking Dojo”, a web platform to automatically grade programming exercises. The platform is now used in several courses of the University Paris Diderot. Yann Régis-Gianas develops a reference implementation of a syntactic analyzer for the POSIX shell programming language. This analyzer is used by the Colis project to analyze the scripts embedded in the packages of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. In collaboration with Beta Ziliani (LIIS, Cordoba, Argentine), Yann Régis-Gianas, Béatrice Carré and Jacques-Pascal Deplaix develop MetaCoq, an extension of Coq to use Coq as a metalanguage for itself.
Yves Guiraud has updated the Catex tool for Latex, whose purpose is to automatise the production of string diagrams from algebraic expressions Yves Guiraud collaborates with Samuel Mimram (LIX) to develop the prototype Rewr that implements several algorithms developed in the “Effective higher-dimensional algebra” research direction, including the homotopical completion-reduction procedure of [10]. An online version is available at