Section: New Results
Learning in games with continuous action spaces
A key limitation of existing game-theoretic learning algorithms is that they invariably revolve around games with a finite number of actions per players. However, this assumption is often unrealistic (especially in network-based applications of game theory), a factor which severely limits the applicability of learning techniques in real-life problems.
To address this issue, we studied in [14] a class of control problems that can be formulated as potential games with continuous action sets, and we proposed an actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm that provably converges to equilibrium in said class. The method employed is to analyse the learning process under study through a mean-field dynamical system that evolves in an infinite-dimensional function space (the space of probability distributions over the players' continuous controls). To do so, we extend the theory of finite-dimensional two-timescale stochastic approximation to an infinite-dimensional, Banach space setting, and we proved that the continuous dynamics of the process converge to equilibrium in the case of potential games. These results combine to give a provably-convergent learning algorithm in which players do not need to keep track of the controls selected by the other agents.
Finally, to address cases where mixing over a continuum of actions is unrealistic, we examined in [40] the convergence properties of a class of learning schemes for -person games with continuous action spaces based on a continuous optimization technique known as “dual averaging”. To study this multi-agent, pure-strategy learning process, we introduced the notion of variational stability (VS), and we showed that stable equilibria are locally attracting with high probability whereas globally stable states are globally attracting with probability 1. Finally, we examined the scheme's convergence speed and we showed that if the game admits a strict equilibrium and the players' mirror maps are surjective, then, with high probability, the process converges to equilibrium in a finite number of steps, no matter the level of uncertainty in the players' observations (or payoffs).