Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
National Initiatives
GAGA is an ANR starting grant (JCJC) whose aim is to explore the Geometric Aspects of GAmes. The GAGA team is spread over three different locations in France (Paris, Toulouse and Grenoble), and is coordinated by Vianney Perchet (ENS Cachan). Its aim is to perform a systematic study of the geometric aspects of game theory and, in so doing, to establish new links between application areas that so far appeared unrelated (such as the use of Hessian Riemannian optimization techniques in wireless communication networks).
Partners: Inria Sophia (MAESTRO), Inria Rocquencourt (DIOGEN), Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin (PRiSM lab), Telecom SudParis (SAMOVAR), Université Paris-Est Créteil (Spécification et vérification de systèmes), Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie/LIP6.
The project aims at realizing a software prototype dedicated to Markov chain modeling. It gathers seven teams that will develop advanced resolution algorithms and apply them to various domains (reliability, distributed systems, biology, physics, economy).
Partners: Université Versailles – Saint-Quentin (PRiSM lab), Université Paris Dauphine, Inria Grenoble (POLARIS), Institut Mines–Telecom (Telecom ParisTech), Alcatel–Lucent Bell Labs (ALBF), and Orange Labs.
The main objective of the project is to propose a novel approach of distributed, scalable, dynamic and energy efficient algorithms for mobile network resource management. This new approach relies on the design of an orchestration mechanism of a portfolio of algorithms. The ultimate goal of the proposed mechanism is to enhance the user experience, while at the same time ensuring the more efficient utilization of the operator's resources.
ORACLESS is an ANR starting grant (JCJC) coordinated by Panayotis Mertikopoulos. The goal of the project is to develop highly adaptive resource allocation methods for wireless communication networks that are provably capable of adapting to unpredictable changes in the network. In particular, the project will focus on the application of online optimization and online learning methodologies to multi-antenna systems and cognitive radio networks.
ANR SONGS, 2012–2016. Partners: Inria Nancy (Algorille), Inria Sophia (MASCOTTE), Inria Bordeaux (CEPAGE, HiePACS, RunTime), Inria Lyon (AVALON), University of Strasbourg, University of Nantes.
The last decade has brought tremendous changes to the characteristics of large scale distributed computing platforms. Large grids processing terabytes of information a day and the peer-to-peer technology have become common even though understanding how to efficiently exploit such platforms still raises many challenges. As demonstrated by the USS SimGrid project funded by the ANR in 2008, simulation has proved to be a very effective approach for studying such platforms. Although even more challenging, we think the issues raised by petaflop/exaflop computers and emerging cloud infrastructures can be addressed using similar simulation methodology.
The goal of the SONGS project (Simulation of Next Generation Systems) is to extend the applicability of the SimGrid simulation framework from grids and peer-to-peer systems to clouds and high performance computation systems. Each type of large-scale computing system will be addressed through a set of use cases and led by researchers recognized as experts in this area. Any sound study of such systems through simulations relies on the following pillars of simulation methodology: Efficient simulation kernel; Sound and validated models; Simulation analysis tools; Campaign simulation management. Such aspects are also addressed in the SONGS project.
National Organizations
Jean-Marc Vincent is member of the scientific committees of the CIST (Centre International des Sciences du Territoire).
REAL.NET is a CNRS PEPS starting grant (JCJC) coordinated by Panayotis Mertikopoulos. Its objective is to provide dynamic control methodologies for nonstationary stochastic optimization problems that arise in wireless communication networks.