Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Programmation fonctionnelle, 44 h, L3, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Licence: Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Projet d'algorithmique et de programmation, 25 h, L3, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Licence: Anne Dicky, Algorithmique des graphes, 30 h, L3, Computer Science Departement, Paris VI University, Vietnam,
Licence: Anne Dicky, Probabilités et combinatoire, 75 h, L3, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Licence: Anne Dicky, Algorithmique et structures de données, 50h, L2, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Licence: Anne Dicky, Fondamentaux pour les mathématiques et l'informatique, 35 h, L1, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Master: Sylvain Salvati, Logique, 12h, M1, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Licence: David Janin, Projet d'algorithmique et de programmation, 25 h, L3, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Licence: Sylvain Salvati, Analyse syntaxique et projet de programmation 3, 37,5 h, niveau L3, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Master: Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Compilation, 14 h, M1, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Master: Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Projet de Génie Logiciel, 25 h, M1, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Master: Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Informatique musicale contrôle et composition, 25 h, M2, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Master: Anne Dicky, Recherche operationelle, 70 h, M1, Computer Science Departement, Bordeaux University, France,
Master: David Janin, Projet de Génie Logiciel, 25 h, M1, Software Engineering department, Bordeaux INP, France,
Master: David Janin, Compilation, 20 h, M1, Network and System Engineering department (RSI), Bordeaux INP, France,
Master: David Janin, Tutorat, 15 h, M1, M2, Network and System Engineering department (RSI), Bordeaux INP, France,
Doctorat: Sylvain Salvati, Initiation à CoQ, 12 h, Ecole Doctorale Mathématique et Informatique, Bordeaux University, France.
PhD : Etienne Dubourg, “Contribution à la théorie des langages de tuiles”, defended in July 2016, supervised by D. Janin
PhD in progress : Pauline Mouawad, “Analyse et modélisation de l'émotion musicale”', started in september 2012, supervised by M. Desainte-Catherine,
PhD in progress : Jean-Michaël Célérier, “Outils d'écriture spatiale pour les partitions interactives”, started in january 2015, supervised by M. Desainte-Catherine,
PhD in progress : Simon Archipoff, “Modélisation et programmation tuilée réactive”, started in september 2015, supervised by D. Janin,