Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
HdR : Irene Vignon-Clementel, Blood and air flow multi-scale simulations based on real data, defended on March 31, 2016
PhD in progress: Chloé Audebert, Modeling of liver hemodynamics, since October 2013. Supervisors: J.-F. Gerbeau & I. Vignon-Clementel.
PhD : Francesco Bonaldi, Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique de Multi-Structures avec couplage Magnéto-Electro-Thermo-Elastique, defended on July 6, 2016. Supervisors: F. Krasucki & M. Vidrascu
PhD : Mikel Landajuela, Coupling schemes and unfitted mesh methods for fluid-structure interaction, defended in March 29, 2016. Supervisor: M.A. Fernández Varela.
PhD in progress: Matteo Aletti, Multiscale retinal vascular modeling, since January 2014. Supervisors: J.-F. Gerbeau & D. Lombardi.
PhD in progress: Eliott Tixier, Stem cells electrophysiology, since September 2014. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & D. Lombardi.
PhD in progress: Nicolas Pozin, Multiscale lung ventilation modeling in health and disease, since March 2014. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & I. Vignon-Clementel.
PhD in progress: Andrea Bondesan, Kinetic and fluid models, numerical and asymptotic analysis, since October 2015. Supervisors: L. Boudin, B. Grec & S. Martin.
PhD in progress: Ludovic Boilevin-Kayl, Modeling of cardiac implantable devices, since February 2016. Supervisors: J.-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández Varela
PhD in progress: Alexandre This, Fusion data/simulation for the assessment of mitral regurgitation, since January 2016. Supervisor: J.-F. Gerbeau
PhD in progress: Chen-Yu Chiang, Transport on biological systems and some applications, since February 2016. Supervisor: M. Thiriet