Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Workshop preparation for les Houches in Feb. 2016: “Optimization without borders”, to celebrate Y. Nesterov’s 60th birthday.

  • Francis Bach: organization of a workshop at IHES (with S. Arlot and A. Celisse), March 2016.

  • Francis Bach: co-organization of two NIPS workshops.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Francis Bach: Area chair for ICML 2016

  • Simon Lacoste-Julien: Area chair for ICML 2016

  • Simon Lacoste-Julien: Area chair for NIPS 2016


Member of Editorial Boards
  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Optimization (2013-...).

  • F. Bach: Action Editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research.

  • F. Bach: Information and Inference, Associate Editor.

  • F. Bach: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Associate Editor.

  • F. Bach: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Associate Editor.

Invited Talks

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Regularized Nonlinear Acceleration, BIRS workshop, Oaxaca, October 2016.

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Optimal Affine Invariant Smooth Minimization Algorithms, Institut des hautes études scientifiques, June 2016.

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Optimal Affine Invariant Smooth Minimization Algorithms, Nexus of Information and Computation Theories, Institut Henri Poincaré, March 2016.

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Optimal Affine Invariant Smooth Minimization Algorithms, Workshop on Algorithms and Dynamics for Games and Optimization, Santiago Chile, January 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Winter School on Signal processing, Bonn, January 2016.

  • Francis Bach: "Optimization without borders", Les Houches, February 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Oberwolfach, March 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Dali meeting, Sestri Levante, Italy, March 2016.

  • Francis Bach: ETH Computer Science Colloquium, April 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Workshop San Servolo, May 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Machine Learning summer school Cadiz, May 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Summer school, Bangalore, July 2016.

  • Francis Bach: ICCOPT conference, plenary speaker, August 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Workshop, Haifa, Septembre 2016.

  • Francis Bach: Statistics Seminar, Cambridge, October 2016.

  • Francis Bach: BIRS Oaxaca, October 2016.

  • Francis Bach: NIPS workshops (three presentations), December 2016.

  • Damien Garreau: “Consistent multiple change-point detection with kernels”, Group meeting of Geometrica Inria project team, Saclay (February 18, 2016).

  • Damien Garreau: “Consistent multiple change-point detection with kernels”, Inria Junior Seminar, Paris (March 15, 2016).

  • Damien Garreau: “Consistent multiple change-point detection with kernels”, Colloque final de l'ANR Calibration, Nice (April 7, 2016).

  • Damien Garreau: “Consistent multiple change-point detection with kernels”, Colloque Jeunes probabilistes et Statisticiens, Les Houches (April 18, 2016).

  • Pascal Germain: “A Representation Learning Approach for Domain Adaptation”, Tao Seminars, Université Paris-Sud, Paris, France, March 2016.

  • Pascal Germain: “A Representation Learning Approach for Domain Adaptation”, Data Intelligence Group Seminars, Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France, March 2016.

  • Pascal Germain: “Variations on the PAC-Bayesian Bound”, Bayes in Paris Seminar at ENSAE, Paris, France, June 2016.

  • Pascal Germain: “Variations on the PAC-Bayesian Bound”, Séminaires du département d'informatique et de génie logiciel, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, July 2016.

  • Simon Lacoste-Julien: "On the Global Linear Convergence of Frank-Wolfe Optimization Variants", invited talk in the Conic and Polynomial Optimization cluster at ICCOPT 2016, Tokyo, Japan, August 2016..

  • Simon Lacoste-Julien: "On the Global Linear Convergence of Frank-Wolfe Optimization Variants", invited talk in the Learning and Optimization workshop of DALI meeting, Sestri Levante, Italy, April 2016.

  • Simon Lacoste-Julien: "Modern Optimization for Structured Machine Learning", CS & OR Department Colloquium, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, February 2016.

  • Antoine Recanati: Presentation at the group meeting of Mines ParisTech Centre for Computational Biology (CBIO) at Institut Curie, October, 18th 2016.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Porteur de l'IRIS PSL “Science des données, données de la science”.

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Co-scientific director of Master's program MASH (Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines), with ENS - Paris Dauphine.

  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: Scientific committee, programme Gaspard Monge pour l'Optimisation.