Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: A. d'Aspremont, M1 course on Optimization: ENS Paris, 21h

  • Master: A. d'Aspremont, M2 course on Optimization: MVA, ENS Cachan, 21h

  • Master : F. Bach (together with J.-P. Vert), “Apprentissage statistique”, 35h, M1, Ecole Normale Supérieure.

  • Master : F. Bach (together with G. Obozinski), "Graphical models", 30h, M2 (MVA), ENS Cachan.

  • Master : F. Bach , 20h, M2 (Mathématiques de l'aléatoire), Université Paris-Sud.

  • Mastere (M1): S. Lacoste-Julien, F. Vogel, “Projets informatiques”, 10h, Université de Paris-Dauphine, Master M2: Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines (MASH)

  • Master : A. Osokin (together with K. Alahari), “The introduction to discrete optimization”, 30h, M2, Centrale Supélec

  • Master: Fabian Pedredoga, Machine learning with scikit-learn, Master Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines (MASH), Paris Dauphine.


  • PhD: Anastasia Podosinnikova, November 2016, co-advised by Francis Bach and Simon Lacoste-Julien

  • PhD: Thomas Schatz, September 2016, co-advised by and E. Dupoux (ENS, cognitive sciences).

  • PhD: Sesh Kumar, September 2016, advised by F. Bach.

  • PhD in progress : Nom du doctorant, titre (provisoire) du mémoire, date du début de la thèse, encadrant(s)

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, co-advised by Simon Lacoste-Julien, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev, started Sept. 2014.

  • PhD in progress : Rémi Leblond, advised by Simon Lacoste-Julien, started Sept. 2015.

  • PhD in progress : Gauthier Gidel, advised by Simon Lacoste-Julien, started Sept. 2016.

  • PhD in progress : Vincent Roulet, directed by Alexandre d'Aspremont, started as a PhD on Oct. 1 2014.

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Flammarion, co-directed by Alexandre d'Aspremont and Francis Bach, started Sept. 2013.

  • PhD in progress : Damien Scieur, co-directed with Alexandre d'Aspremont and Francis Bach, started Sept. 2015.

  • PhD in progress : Antoine Recanati, directed by Alexandre d'Aspremont, started Sept. 2015.

  • PhD in progress: Rafael Rezende, September 2013, F. Bach, co-advised with J. Ponce.

  • PhD in progress: PhD in progress: Christophe Dupuy, January 2014, co-advised by F. Bach and C. Diot (Technicolor).

  • PhD in progress: Damien Garreau, September 2014, co-advised by S. Arlot and G. Biau.

  • PhD in progress: Anaël Bonneton, December 2014, co- advised by F. Bach, located in Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI).

  • PhD in progress: Dmitry Babichev, September 2015, co-advised by F. Bach and A. Judistky (Univ. Grenoble).

  • PhD in progress: Tatiana Shpakova, September 2015, advised by F. Bach.


  • Alexandre d'Aspremont: PhD Committee for Igor Colin, Nov. 2016.

  • Francis Bach: PhD Committee for Alain Durmus, Dec. 2016.