Creation of the Project-Team: 2004 September 01, end of the Project-Team: 2016 December 31

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Nicolas Anciaux [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Luc Bouganim [Inria, Senior Researcher, HDR]

Faculty Members

Philippe Pucheral [Team leader, Univ. Versailles, Professor, HDR]

Iulian Sandu Popa [Univ. Versailles, Associate Professor]

Guillaume Scerri [Univ. Versailles, Associate Professor, from Sept. 2016]


Aydogan Ersoz [Inria]

Oana Manea [Inria, from Nov. 2016]

PhD Students

Athanasia Katsouraki [Inria, until Sept. 2016]

Saliha Lallali [Inria, granted by ANR KISS project, until Jan. 2016]

Paul Tran Van [CozyCloud, CIFRE]

Axel Michel [INSA-CVL, from Sept. 2015]

Julien Loudet [CozyCloud, CIFRE, from April 2016]

Riad Ladjel [IDEX grant, from Oct. 2016]

Visiting Scientist

Benjamin Nguyen [INSA CVL, Professor, HDR]

Administrative Assistant

Emmanuelle Perrot [Inria]