Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Makitoo, the start-up company founded by Martin Monperrus and Nicolas Petitprez received the Bpifrance Création d'entreprise innovante award, which is a major award in France for startup companies, in the category Création-développement.
Makitoo won also a NETVA award from the French ministry of foreign affairs in order to develop its activities in the USA.
Romain Rouvoy has been awarded a Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) junior fellowship for 5 years (2016-21). IUF is an excellence award that is only granted to the top 2% of faculty members in French universities. The award recognizes the excellence of the research activities conducted by Romain Rouvoy.
Laurence Duchien has been elected for a 2-year term in the executive committee of the IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE). The IEEE TCSE helps advance software engineering research and practice. The executive committee determines TCSE policy and the nature of TCSE activities.