Section: New Results
Other research results: Information-Theoretical Quantification of Security Properties
Participants : Axel Legay, Fabrizio Biondi, Mounir Chadli, Thomas Given-Wilson.
Information theory provides a powerful quantitative approach to measuring security and privacy properties of systems. By measuring the information leakage of a system, security properties can be quantified, validated, or falsified. When security concerns are non-binary, information theoretic measures can quantify exactly how much information is leaked. The knowledge of such information is strategic in the developments of component-based systems.
The quantitative information-theoretical approach to security models the correlation between the secret information of the system and the output that the system produces. Such output can be observed by the attacker, and the attacker tries to infer the value of the secret information by combining this information with their prior knowledge of the system.
Armed with the produced output of the system, the attacker tries to infer information about the secret information that produced the output. The quantitative analysis we consider defines and computes how much information the attacker can expect to infer (typically measured in bits). This expected leakage of bits is the information leakage of the system.
The quantitative approach generalizes the qualitative approach and thus provides superior analysis. In particular, a system respects non-interference if and only if its leakage is equal to zero. In practice very few systems respect non-interference, and for those that don't it is imperative to be able to distinguish between the systems leaking very small amounts of secret information and systems leaking a significant amount of secret information, since only the latter are considered to pose a security vulnerability to the system.
Applied to shared-key cryptosystems, this approach allows precise reasoning about the information leakage of the secret key when the attacker knows the encoder function and information about the distribution of messages. In such scenarios, this work has generalised perfect secrecy, and so provides a more useful measure for unconditional cryptosystems (results that are safe against future advances in computing capabilities and theoretical breakthroughs in unsolved problems).
This work also explored scenarios where the attacker has less information about the cryptosystem; such as not knowing the encoder function, or not knowing the message distribution. Results here formalised that the attacker can never improve their attacks by having bad prior information, thus ensuring misinformation is always useful. Also, results show that the choice of encoder function may strengthen the cryptosystem against being learned by the attacker through observation. In particular, we showed that a well designed encoder function (represented as a matrix) has an infinitude of freedom for the attacker. Thus, the attacker cannot accurately learn all the secret information merely by observation.
There are several different scenarios where the attacker is trying to learn the secret information about the system. Here this is explored by considering what the secret information is, or equivalently, what prior knowledge the attacker has about the system.
Our new results in information leakage computation include implementing a hybrid precise-statistical computation algorithm for our QUAIL tool. The new algorithm bridges the gap between statistical and formal techniques by using static program analysis to extract structural information about the program to be analyze and decide whether each part of it would be analyzed more efficiently with precise or statistical analysis. Then each part is analyzed with the most appropriate technique, and all analyses are combined into a final result. This new hybrid method outperforms precise and statistical analysis in computation time and precision, and is a clear example of the advantages of combining precise and statistical techniques.We refer to the tools section for more details.
Additionally, we have considered how the scheduling of privileged and unprivileged processes on a shared memory could allow an unprivileged process to access confidential information temporarily stored in the memory by a privileged process. This is for instance the case in cache attacks. We have developed a general model of information leakage for scheduled systems. Our model considers a finer granularity than previous attempts on the subject, allowing us to schedule processes with small leakage, and schedule sets of processes that were considered unschedulable with no leakage by the state of the art.
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Preserving the privacy of private communication is a fundamental concern of computing addressed by encryption. Information-theoretic reasoning models unconditional security where the strength of the results does not depend on computational hardness or unproven results. Usually the information leaked about the message by the ciphertext is used to measure the privacy of a communication , with perfect secrecy when the leakage is 0. However this is hard to achieve in practice. An alternative measure is the equivocation, intuitively the average number of message/key pairs that could have produced a given cipher-text. We show a theoretical bound on equivocation called max-equivocation and show that this generalizes perfect secrecy when achievable, and provides an alternative measure when perfect secrecy is not achievable. We derive bounds for max-equivocation for symmetric encoder functions and show that max-equivocation is achievable when the entropy of the ciphertext is minimized. We show that max-equivocation easily accounts for key re-use scenarios, and that large keys relative to the message perform very poorly under equivocation. We study encoders under this new perspective, deriving results on their achievable maximal equivocation and showing that some popular approaches such as Latin squares are not optimal. We show how unicity attacks can be naturally modeled, and how relaxing encoder symmetry improves equivocation. We present some algorithms for generating encryption functions that are practical and achieve 90 to 95% of the theoretical best, improving with larger message spaces.
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Analysis of a probabilistic system often requires to learn the joint probability distribution of its random variables. The computation of the exact distribution is usually an exhaustive precise analysis on all executions of the system. To avoid the high computational cost of such an exhaustive search, statistical analysis has been studied to efficiently obtain approximate estimates by analyzing only a small but representative subset of the system's behavior. In this paper we propose a hybrid statistical estimation method that combines precise and statistical analyses to estimate mutual information and its confidence interval. We show how to combine the analyses on different components of the system with different precision to obtain an estimate for the whole system. The new method performs weighted statistical analysis with different sample sizes over different components and dynamically finds their optimal sample sizes. Moreover it can reduce sample sizes by using prior knowledge about systems and a new abstraction-then-sampling technique based on qualitative analysis. We show the new method outperforms the state of the art in quantifying information leakage.
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The protection of users' data conforming to best practice and legislation is one of the main challenges in computer science. Very often, large-scale data leaks remind us that the state of the art in data privacy and anonymity is severely lacking. The complexity of modern systems make it impossible for software architect to create secure software that correctly implements privacy policies without the help of automated tools. The academic community needs to invest more effort in the formal modeling of security and anonymity properties, providing a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and challenges and allowing the creation of automated tools to help software architects and developers. This research track provides numerous contributions to the formal modeling of security and anonymity properties and the creation of tools to verify them on large-scale software projects.
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High-security processes typically have to load confidential information, such as encryption keys or private data, into memory as part of their operation. In systems with a single shared memory, when high-security processes are switched out due to context switching, confidential information may remain in memory and be accessible to low-security processes. This paper considers this problem from the perspective of scheduling. A formal model supporting preemption is introduced that allows: reasoning about leakage between high-and low-security processes, and producing information-leakage aware schedulers. Several information-leakage aware heuristics are presented in the form of compositional pre-and postprocessors as part of a more general scheduling approach. The effectiveness of such heuristics is evaluated experimentally, showing them to achieve significantly better schedulability than the state of the art.