Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants : Emmanuel Franck [correspondent] , Boniface Nkonga, Ahmed Ratnani.
The JOREK code is one of the most important MHD codes in Europe. This code written 15 years ago allows to simulate the MHD instabilities which appear in the Tokamak. Using this code the physicists have obtained some important results. However to run larger and more complex test cases it is necessary to extend the numerical methods used.
In 2014, the DJANGO code has been created, the aim of this code is twofold: have a numerical library to implement, test and validate new numerical methods for MHD, fluid mechanics and Electromagnetic equations in the finite element context and prepare the future new JOREK code. This code is a 2D-3D code based on implicit time schemes and IsoGeometric (B-Splines, Bezier curves) for the spatial discretization.
DJANGO is a finite element implicit solver written in Fortran 2008 with a Basic MPI framework.
Ahmed Ratnani (Max Planck Institut of Plasma Physic, Garching, Germany), Boniface Nkonga (University of Nice and Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France), Emmanuel Franck (Inria Nancy Grand Est, TONUS Team)
Mustafa Gaja, Jalal Lakhlili, Matthias Hoelzl and Eric Sonnendrücker (Max Planck Institut of Plasma Physic, Garching, Germany), Ayoub Iaagoubi (ADT Inria Nice), Hervé Guillard (University of Nice and Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France), Virginie Grandgirard, Guillaume Latu (CEA Cadarache, France)
Between the years 2015 and 2016 the code has been partially rewritten using Fortran 2008 to prepare the implementation of new methods (compatible finite element spaces, 3D B-Splines meshes). The different models, hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic introduced in the previous version of the code have been rewritten and validated. Actually, we will begin to introduce the Maxwell equations for the coupling with kinetic equations and the nonlinear fluid models ( first step for the MHD simulations). A large effort of optimization and parallelization in the matrices assembly has been made and new preconditioning for elliptic models has been introduced.