Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participants: Angelo Furno, Anh-Dung Nguyen, Razvan Stanica
The partners in the ANR ABCD project are: Orange Labs, Ucopia, Inria UrbaNet, UPMC LIP6 PHARE, Telecom ParisTech. The objective of ABCD is to characterize large-scale user mobility and content consumption in urban areas via mobile data mining, so as to achieve efficient deployment and management of cloud resources via virtual machines. Our contribution in the project consists on the characterization of human mobility and service consumption at a city scale, and the design of appropriate resource allocation techniques at the cellular network level.
Participants: Soukaina Cherkaoui, Hervé Rivano, Fabrice Valois
The partners in the ANR IDEFIX project are: Orange Labs, Alcatel Lucent - Bell Labs, Telecom Paris Tech, Inria UrbaNet, Socrate and Dyogene.
Particpants: Junaid Khan, Romain Pujol, Razvan Stanica, Fabrice Valois
The partners in the DGA CLOTHO project are Traqueur and Sigfox. The objective of the project is to reduce the energy consumption of the device tracking functionality, by taking profit of short-range communications between the tracked objects.
The partners in the PIA ADAGE project are Orange, LAAS-CNRS and Inria Privatics. The objective of the ADAGE project is to design and evaluate anonymization algorithms for the specific case of mobile traffic data. Our role in the project is focused on evaluating whether the anonymized data is still usable for adaptive networking mechanisms.
Pôle ResCom
Ongoing participation (since 2006)
Communication networks, working groups of GDR ASR/RSD, CNRS ( Hervé Rivano is member of the scientific committee of ResCom.
We have coordinated the participation of several Inria teams to the SenseCity EquipEx. Within the SenseCity project, several small reproduction of 1/3rd scale city surroundings will be built under a climatically controlled environment. Micro and nano sensors will be deployed to experiment on smart cities scenarios, with a particular focus on pollution detection and intelligent transport services. Urbanet will have the opportunity to tests some of its capillary networking solutions in a very realistic but controlled urban environment. A proof of concept test site has been built in 2015. We have deployed an experiment on low cost sensor network for vehicle detection and one on atmospheric pollution sensor calibration. The operational site is under construction and should be finalized in 2017.
Inria Project lab
Urbanet is involved in the CityLab Inria Project Lab lead by Valérie Issarny. Within this project, Hervé Rivano co-advises, with Nathalie Mitton (FUN team, Inria Lille-Nord-Europe), the PhD thesis of Abdoul Aziz Mbacke on “Data gathering in sensor and passive RFID with energy harvesting for urban infrastructure monitoring”.