Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Awards & Nominees

The Wimmics team received collectively the Université Côte d'Azur Award in recognition of the ISWC best demo.

Best demo award at ISWC for Semantic Web Technologies for improving remote visits of museums, using a mobile robot [32].

Best poster nominee at ISWC for Materializing the Editing History of Wikipedia as Linked Data in DBpedia [60].

Michel Buffa was finalist for the first-ever edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning (11 teachers have been selected among 2500 others and 1200 online courses) for his MOOCs on HTML5.

Valerio Basile was awarded the first prize, granted by IBM, at the Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian (Evalita) workshop.