Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

NiceCampus Research Lab

Participant : Nhan Le Thanh.

NiceCampus Research Lab (from training to/and through research to a Joint International Laboratory) is a framework for cooperation for research training. This framework is proposed by the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis to support the 911 Vietnamese research training program that aims to support the development of Vietnamese universities. The NiceCampus Lab Project was a winner of the AUF Call for Proposals 2016-2017. In this context, the MIRE (Maison de l’innovation et de la recherche NiceCampus) was created at University of Da Nang (Vietnam).


Participant : Andrea Tettamanzi.

We participated in the interdisciplinary DILPROSPECT CNRS Project, with researchers of many other research units, including the UMR 7300 ESPACE and INRA on the study of the interface between constructed and natural land on the French Riviera.


Participants : Alain Giboin, Thierry Bergeron, Michel Buffa, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

AZKAR is a two years French project funded by BPI (Banque Publique d'Investissement), focused on Fast Control of Mobile Robots over the Internet.

The project started in September 2014. The first step of the project has been the evaluation and benchmarking of video and data solutions over Internet, based on the WebRTC technology. The second step consists in implementing these solutions on a real mobile robot that has been deployed in museums or in homes for helping seniors in their daily tasks. Semantic Web technologies, have been used in the project for describing the services, the context of the application domain, the content transmitted, etc. We got a best demo award at ISWC this year, for a demo that shown a robot located in France that has been remote controlled from Kobe in Japan during the conference [32].


Participants : Michel Buffa, Elena Cabrio.

We will be project leader of this 42 month ANR project that starts in January 2017. Partners are IRCAM, Deezer, Radio France and a french startup named Parisson. WASABI aims to build the biggest song metadata semantic database, mixing audio and cultural content analysis. Client applications target music school, sound engineer schools, composers and musicians, journalists, radios and streaming services.


Participants : Elena Cabrio, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Zide Meng, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Molka Tounsi.

SMILK (Social Media Intelligence and Linked Knowledge) is a joint laboratory (LabCom, 2013-2016) between the Wimmics team and the Research and Innovation unit of VISEO (Grenoble). Natural Language Processing, Linked Open Data and Social Networks as well as the links between them are at the core of this LabCom. The purpose of SMILK is both to develop research and technologies in order to retrieve, analyze, and reason on textual data coming from Web sources, and to make use of LOD, social networks structures and interaction in order to improve the analysis and understanding of textual resources. Topics covered by SMILK include: use of data and vocabularies published on the Web in order to search, analyze, disambiguate and structure textual knowledge in a smart way, but also to feed internal information sources; reasoning on the combination of internal and public data and schemes, query and presentation of data and inferences in natural formats.

Inria LabCom EduMICS

Participants : Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Chihabeddine Bouchenaki, Olivier Corby.

EduMICS (Educative Models Interactions Communities with Semantics) is a joint laboratory (LabCom, 2016-2018) between the Wimmics team and the Educlaver company. Adaptive Learning, Social Learning and Linked Open Data and links between them are at the core of this LabCom. The purpose of EduMICS is both to develop research and technologies with the ultimate goal to adapt educational progressions and pedagogical resource recommendation to learner profiles. Topics covered by EduMICS include: ontology-based modeling of educational resources; ontology-based integration of heterogenous data sources; ontology-based reasoning; semantic analysis of a social network of learners; pedagogical resource recommendation adpated to learner profiles.

Ministry of Culture: DBpedia.fr

Participants : Raphaël Boyer, Fabien Gandon.

This DBpedia.fr project proposes the creation of a French chapter of the DBpedia database. This project was the first project of the Semanticpedia convention signed by the Ministry of Culture, the Wikimedia foundation and Inria.

Web site: http://dbpedia.fr

Ministry of Culture: GT 6 for a convention between Inria and the Ministry of Culture

Participant : Fabien Gandon.

We supervised the working group GT6 Ministry of Culture on the creation of a research convention to foster research and development at the crossroad of culture and digital sciences. This convention signed between Inria and the Ministry of Culture the 12 December 2016 will provide a framework to support projects at the cross-road of the cultural domain and the digital sciences.


Participants : Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Zide Meng.

OCKTOPUS is an ANR project (2012-2016) which ended during this year. Its general objective was to increase the potential social and economic benefit of the large and quickly growing amounts of user-generated content, by transforming it into useful knowledge. We showed how it is possible to considerably improve upon existing generic Information Retrieval techniques by exploiting the specific structure of this content and of the online communities which produce it. Specifically, we focused on a multi-disciplinary approach in order to address the problem of finding relevant answers to questions within forums and question-answer sites. To create metrics and predictors of content quality and use them to improve the search experience of a user, we took advantage of:

  • the experience of the CRG (the management research institute of Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS) to understand better the incentives of, and interactions between individuals who produce online content within large communities;

  • the experience of the Wimmics research team to analyze the structural and temporal aspects of the complex typed social graphs found within these communities;

  • the ability of Alcméon (a start-up developing a search application dedicated to user-generated content) to integrate and test the results of OCKTOPUS within a common demonstration framework, in order to assess their practical usefulness when applied to concrete large-scale datasets.

Partners: Alcméon, CRG, Inria Wimmics.

Web site: http://ocktopus.alcmeon.com

GDRI Zoomathia

Participants : Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Alexandre Monnin, Andrea Tettamanzi.

Wimmics is partner of the International Research Group (GDRI) Zoomathia funded by two CNRS institutes: INEE and INSHS. It aims at studying transmission of zoological knowledge from Antiquity to Middle-Age through material resources (bio residues, artefacts), iconography and texts.

One of the goals of the project is to design a thesaurus and semantically annotate resources, capturing different types of knowledge: zoonyme, historical period, zoological speciality (ethology, anatomy, physiology, psychology, zootechnique, etc.), litterary genre or iconography.

We collaboratively work with MNHN and CEPAM researchers on the construction of a SKOS thesaurus of zoonyms and a SKOS thesaurus of animal specialties the automatic and on the automatic semantic categorization of text fragments. The ultimate goal is the exploitation of these semantic metadata to help historians in their studies of knowledge transmission through these texts.

Web site: http://www.cepam.cnrs.fr/zoomathia/


Participants : Patrice Pena, Alain Giboin.

PadDOC goal is to contribute to accelerating the digital transition of citizen, local and regional authorities, administrations and enterprises, by : (1) developing an open standard and innovative software and hardware resources to facilitate nearby or distant administrative formalities and procedures; (2) improving the security of the holder’s personal data by putting these data under the exclusive control of the holder; (3) by exploiting unmarked communicating supports (such as smartphones or tablets) for all chain actors. PadDOC partners are: Docapost BPO, Anyces, ABC SmartCard and the teams Rainbow, Media-Coding and Wimmics.Wimmics will contribute to: (1) the analysis, design and evaluation of the PadDOC security-oriented user interfaces; (2) the impact assessment of the chain of actors participating in the experiment to validate the viability of the PadDOC social system. The PadDOC project officially began in November 2014.