Section: Research Program
Distributed Data Management
To deal with the massive scale of scientific data, we exploit large-scale distributed systems, with the objective of making distribution transparent to the users and applications. Thus, we capitalize on the principles of large-scale distributed systems such as clusters, peer-to-peer (P2P) and cloud.
Data management in distributed systems has been traditionally achieved by distributed database systems which enable users to transparently access and update several databases in a network using a high-level query language (e.g. SQL) [12]. Transparency is achieved through a global schema which hides the local databases' heterogeneity. In its simplest form, a distributed database system is a centralized server that supports a global schema and implements distributed database techniques (query processing, transaction management, consistency management, etc.). This approach has proved to be effective for applications that can benefit from centralized control and full-fledge database capabilities, e.g. information systems. However, it cannot scale up to more than tens of databases.
Parallel database systems extend the distributed database approach to improve performance (transaction throughput or query response time) by exploiting database partitioning using a multiprocessor or cluster system. Although data integration systems and parallel database systems can scale up to hundreds of data sources or database partitions, they still rely on a centralized global schema and strong assumptions about the network.
In contrast, peer-to-peer (P2P) systems [8] adopt a completely decentralized approach to data sharing. By distributing data storage and processing across autonomous peers in the network, they can scale without the need for powerful servers. Popular examples of P2P systems such as Gnutella and BitTorrent have millions of users sharing petabytes of data over the Internet. Although very useful, these systems are quite simple (e.g. file sharing), support limited functions (e.g. keyword search) and use simple techniques (e.g. resource location by flooding) which have performance problems. A P2P solution is well-suited to support the collaborative nature of scientific applications as it provides scalability, dynamicity, autonomy and decentralized control. Peers can be the participants or organizations involved in collaboration and may share data and applications while keeping full control over their (local) data sources. But for very-large scale scientific data analysis, we believe cloud computing (see next section), is the right approach as it can provide virtually infinite computing, storage and networking resources. However, current cloud architectures are proprietary, ad-hoc, and may deprive users of the control of their own data. Thus, we postulate that a hybrid P2P/cloud architecture is more appropriate for scientific data management, by combining the best of both approaches. In particular, it will enable the clean integration of the users’ own computational resources with different clouds.