Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Most permanent members of Zenith teach at the Licence and Master degree levels at UM2.
Reza Akbarinia:
Florent Masseglia:
Science Popularization: 4 Ph.D students, from 3 different doctoral schools are having a 30h doctoral module under Florent Masseglia's supervision.
Esther Pacitti:
IG3: Database design, physical organization, 54h, level L3, Polytech'Montpellier, UM2
IG4: Object-relational databases, 32h, level M1, Polytech' Montpellier, UM2
IG5: Distributed systems, virtualization, 27h, level M2, Polytech' Montpellier, UM2
Industry internship committee, 50h, level M2, Polytech' Montpellier
Patrick Valduriez:
Professional: Distributed Information Systems, Big Data Architectures, 75h, level M2, Capgemini Institut
Alexis Joly:
Master Research: Large-scale Content-based Visual Information Retrieval, 3h, level M2, Faculty of Science, UM
PhD: Ji Liu, Multisite Management of Scientific Worflows in the Cloud, Univ. Montpellier, 3 Nov 2016, Advisors: Esther Pacitti and Patrick Valduriez
PhD: Valentin Leveau, Spatially Consistent Nearest Neighbor Representations for Fine-Grained Classification, Univ. Montpellier, 9 Nov 2016, Advisor: Patrick Valduriez, co-advisor: Alexis Joly and Olivier Buisson
PhD : Saber Salah, Optimizing a Cloud for Data Mining Primitives, Univ. Montpellier, 20 Apr 2016 Advisor: Florent Masseglia, co-advisor: Reza Akbarinia
PhD in progress: Christophe Botella, Lareg-scale Species Distribution Modelling based on crowdsrouced image streams, started Oct 2016, Univ. Montpellier, Alexis Joly, François Munoz (IRD), Pascal Monestiez (INRA)
PhD in progress: Titouan Lorieul, Pro-active crowdsourcing, started Oct 2016, Univ. Montpellier, Advisor: Alexis Joly
PhD in progress: Mehdi Zitouni Closed Pattern Mining in a Massively Distributed Environment started sept. 2014, Univ. Tunis, Advisor: Florent Masseglia, co-advisor: Reza Akbarinia
PhD in progress : Djamel-Edine Yagoubi, Indexing Time Series in a Massively Distributed Environment, started oct. 2014, Univ. Montpellier, Advisors: Florent Masseglia and Patrick Valduriez, co-advisor: Reza Akbarinia
PhD in progress : Sakina Mahboubi, Privacy Preserving Query Processing in Clouds, started oct. 2015, Univ. Montpellier, Advisor: Patrick Valduriez, co-advisor: Reza Akbarinia
PhD in progress: Khadidja Meguelati, Massively Distributed Clustering, started Oct 2016, Univ. Montpellier, Advisor: Florent Masseglia, co-advisor : Nadine Hilgert (INRA)
Members of the team participated to the following PhD committees: