Section: New Results
Scientific Workflows
A Scientific Workflow Infrastructure for Plant Phenomics
Participants : Didier Parigot, Patrick Valduriez.
Plant phenotyping consists in the observation of physical and biochemical traits of plant genotypes in response to environmental conditions. There are many challenges, in particular in the context of climate change and food security. High-throughput platforms have been introduced to observe the dynamic growth of a large number of plants in different environmental conditions. Instead of considering a few genotypes at a time (as it is the case when phenomic traits are measured manually), such platforms make it possible to use completely new kinds of approaches. However, the datasets produced by such widely instrumented platforms are huge, constantly augmenting and produced by increasingly complex experiments, reaching a point where distributed computation is mandatory to extract knowledge from data.
In[25], we introduce InfraPhenoGrid,an infrastructure to efficiently manage datasets produced by the PhenoArch plant phenomics platform in the context of the French Phenome Project. Our solution consists in deploying scientific workflows on a grid using a middle-ware to pilot workflow executions. Our approach is user-friendly in the sense that despite the intrinsic complexity of the infrastructure, running scientific workflows and understanding results obtained (using provenance information) is kept as simple as possible for end-users.
Managing Scientific Workflows in Multisite Cloud
Participants : Ji Liu, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.
A cloud is typically made of several sites (or data centers), each with its own resources and data. Thus, it becomes important to be able to execute big scientific workflows at multiple cloud sites because of geographical distribution of data or available resources. Therefore, a major problem is how to execute a SWf in a multisite cloud, while reducing execution time and monetary cost. In [23], we propose a general solution based on multi-objective scheduling in order to execute SWfs in a multisite cloud. The solution includes a multi-objective cost model with execution time and monetary cost, a Single Site Virtual Machine (VM) Provisioning approach (SSVP) and ActGreedy, a multisite scheduling approach. We present an experimental evaluation, based on the execution of the SciEvol workflow in Microsoft Azure cloud. The results reveal that our scheduling approach significantly outperforms two adapted baseline algorithms and the scheduling time is reasonable compared with genetic and brute-force algorithms.
In [46], we present a hybrid decentralized/distributed model for handling frequently accessed metadata in a multisite cloud. We couple our model with a scientific workflow management system (SWfMS) to validate and tune its applicability to different real-life scientific scenarios. We show that efficient management of hot metadata improves the performance of SWfMS, reducing the workflow execution time up to 50% for highly parallel jobs and avoiding unnecessary cold metadata operations.
Online Input Data Reduction in Scientific Workflows
Participant : Patrick Valduriez.
Many scientific workflows are data-intensive and must be iteratively executed for large input sets of data elements. Reducing input data is a powerful way to reduce overall execution time in such workflows. When this is accomplished online (i.e., without requiring users to stop execution to reduce the data and resume execution), it can save much time and user interactions can integrate within workflow execution. Then, a major problem is to determine which subset of the input data should be removed. Other related problems include guaranteeing that the workflow system will maintain execution and data consistent after reduction, and keeping track of how users interacted with execution. In [48], we adopt the approach “human-in-the-loop” for scientific workflows by enabling users to steer the workflow execution and reduce input elements from datasets at runtime. We propose an adaptive monitoring approach that combines workflow provenance monitoring and computational steering to support users in analyzing the evolution of key parameters and determining which subset of the data should be removed. We also extend a provenance data model to keep track of user interactions when users reduce data at runtime. In our experimental validation, we develop a test case from the oil and gas industry, using a 936-cores cluster. The results on our parameter sweep test case show that the user interactions for online data reduction yield a 37% reduction of execution time.