Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Labex NUMEV, Montpellier

URL: http://www.lirmm.fr/numev

We participate in the Laboratory of Excellence (labex) NUMEV (Digital and Hardware Solutions, Modelling for the Environment and Life Sciences) headed by University of Montpellier in partnership with CNRS, and Inria. NUMEV seeks to harmonize the approaches of hard sciences and life and environmental sciences in order to pave the way for an emerging interdisciplinary group with an international profile. The project is decomposed in four complementary research themes: Modeling, Algorithms and computation, Scientific data (processing, integration, security), Model-Systems and measurements. Florent Masseglia co-heads the theme on scientific data.

Institute of Computational Biology (IBC), Montpellier

URL: http://www.ibc-montpellier.fr

IBC is a 5 year project (2012-2017) with a funding of 2Meuros by the MENRT (PIA program) to develop innovative methods and software to integrate and analyze biological data at large scale in health, agronomy and environment. Patrick Valduriez heads the workpackage on integration of biological data and knowledge.