Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
E. Blayo and M. Nodet were in the organizing committee of a one-day meeting: Teaching mathematical and numerical methods to students in geosciences (Paris, December 21, 2017).
E. Blayo, E. Cosme and A. Vidard organize a one-week school “Introduction to data assimilation” for doctoral students.
F. Lemarié was the convener of the session « Recent developments in numerical atmospheric, oceanic and sea-ice models: towards global cloud and eddy resolving simulations on exascale supercomputers » during the 2017 European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna (
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
C. Prieur was invited to give a tutorial for the opening workshop of the SAMSI program on QMC.
L. Debreu gave an invited talk in the session "Emerging methods for scalable atmosphere and ocean modelling", SCICADE 2017, University of Bath, September 2017
L. Debreu gave an invited talk at the conference "An overview on free surface flows", Paris, November 2017.
L. Debreu gave an invited talk at the conference "Numwave", Montpellier, December 2017.
F. Lemarié has been invited for a talk at the 3rd international workshop on « Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean » in Hamburg (Germany) [17]
Leadership within the Scientific Community
E. Blayo is the chair of the CNRS-INSU research program LEFE-MANU on mathematical and numerical methods for ocean and atmosphere
C. Prieur chairs GdR MASCOT NUM, in which are also involved M. Nodet, E. Blayo, C. Helbert, E. Arnaud, L. Viry, S. Nanty, L. Gilquin.
L. Debreu is the coordinator of the national group COMODO (Numerical Models in Oceanography).
L. Debreu is a member of the steering committee of the CROCO ocean model
Scientific Expertise
F. Lemarié is a member of the CROCO ( scientific committee in charge of the « numerical methods » topic.
Research Administration
C. Prieur is a member of the Scientific Council of the Mathematical Society of France (SMF).
C. Prieur is a member of the Committee of Statistical Mathematics Group of the French Statistical Society (SFdS).
E. Arnaud has been a member of the executive committee of IXXI (complex system institute) until July 2017
E. Arnaud is in charge of the MAD (Modèles et algorithmes déterministes) department of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann
L. Debreu is a member of the scientific evaluation committee of the French Research Institute for Development (IRD).