Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
License: E. Arnaud, Mathématiques pour l'ingénieur, 50h, L1, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
License: E. Arnaud, Algorithmique, 18h, L2, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
License: V. Trappler, Méthodes statistiques pour la biologie, 18h, L2, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Licence: E. Blayo, Analyse approfondie, 80h, L1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.
Licence: M. Nodet, Outils mathematiques pour l'ingenieur, 80h, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Master: E. Arnaud, Tutorat d'apprentis MIAGE, 28h, M2, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master: E. Arnaud, Data assimilation and inverse problem, 38h, M2, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Master: E. Blayo, PDEs and numerical methods, 43h, M1, Univ. Grenoble Alpes and Ensimag engineer school.
Master: M. Nodet, Partial differential equations, 20h, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Master: M. Nodet, Inverse methods, 30h, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Doctorat: E. Blayo and A. Vidard, Introduction to data assimilation, 20h, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Doctorat: F.-X. Le Dimet, Data Assimilation for Geophysical Fluids, 16h, Harbin Institute of Technology, Summer School in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Doctorat: L. Debreu co-organized a one week doctoral training session on numerical modelling of atmospheric and oceanic flows (with F. Hourdin (LMD, Paris), G. Roullet (UBO, Brest) and T. Dubos (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)).)
E-learning, SPOC: E. Arnaud, M. Nodet, E. Blayo, A. Vidard 10 weeks, moodle platform, University Grenoble Alpes, L1, 150 students
Pedagogical resources : all documents for problem-based learning including videos
Intern: Victor Trappler, Robust Estimation of bottom friction ; Parameter control in presence of uncertainties, M2, DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, 6 months, E. Arnaud, L. Debreu and A. Vidard.
Intern: Adrien Hirvoas, Sensitivity of a floating offshore wind turbine to uncertain parameters and identification of observable variables for data assimilation, M2, University Grenoble Alpes, IFPEN, 6 months, E. Arnaud, C. Prieur, A. Vidard, F. Caleyron.
PhD in progress: Rémi Pellerej, Étude et développement d'algorithmes d'assimilation de données variationnelle adaptés aux modèles couplés océan-atmosphère, October 2014, A. Vidard, F. Lemarié.
PhD in progress: Long Li, Assimilation d’image pour le suivi de polluants, September 2017, A. Vidard, J.-W. Ma (Harbin University, China).
PhD in progress: Charles Pelletier, Etude mathématique et numérique de la formulation du couplage océan-atmosphère dans les modèles de climat. December 2014, E. Blayo and F. Lemarié.
PhD in progress: Sophie Thery, Numerical study of coupling algorithms and boundary layer parameterizations in climate models. October 2017, E. Blayo and F. Lemarié.
PhD in progress: Victor Trappler, Parameter control in presence of uncertainties, October 2017, E. Arnaud, L. Debreu and A. Vidard.
PhD in progress: Reda El Amri, Analyse d'incertitudes et de robustesse pour les modèles à entrées et sorties fonctionnelles, April 2016, Clémentine Prieur, Céline Helbert (Centrale Lyon), funded by IFPEN, in the OQUAIDO chair program.
PhD in progress: Maria Belén Heredia, a generic Bayesian approach for the calibration of advanced snow avalanche models with application to real-time risk assessment conditional to snow conditions, October 2017, Nicolas Eckert (IRSTEA Grenoble), Clémentine Prieur, funded by the OSUG@2020 Labex.
PhD: Patricia Tencaliec, Approches stochastiques pour la gestion des risques environnementaux extrêmes, October 2013 - February 2017, Clémentine Prieur, Anne-Catherine Favre (LTHE).
PhD : Thomas Capelle, Calibration of LUTI models, UGA, April 2017, P. Sturm (EPI STEEP), A.Vidard, [36].
18 décembre 2017: PhD thesis of Eliott Tixier, UPMC (referee);
June 28, 2017: PhD thesis of Claire Delplancke, Univ. of Toulouse (referee);
June 13, 2017: PhD thesis of Angie Pineda, Univ. of Caracas, Venezuela (president);
March 1, 2017: PhD thesis of Nabil El Moçayd, Univ. of Toulouse (referee);
February 1, 2017: PhD thesis of Patricia Tencaliec, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (directrice);
February 16, 2017: HDR thesis of N. Eckert, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (referee).
F.-X. Le Dimet: PhD thesis of Hind Oubanas, Univ. of Toulouse (referee);