Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Graduate course: L. Baratchart gave a graduate course titled “Introduction to Inverse Problems” (40 hours) at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Colles: S. Chevillard is giving “Colles” at Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) (2 hours per week).
Summer School: M. Olivi gave two lectures at the 38-th summer school of automatic control, Grenoble, September 11-15: “Optimization-based model reduction” with P. Vuillemin (Onera) and “Applications in electronics: design of frequency filters and stability analysis of amplifiers”.
PhD: C. Papageorgakis, Conductivity model estimation, since October 2014 (advisors: J. Leblond, M. Clerc, M. Rusiniak), defended Dec. 15th [10].
PhD in progress: K. Mavreas, Inverse source problems in planetary sciences: dipole localization in Moon rocks from sparse magnetic data, since October 2015 (advisors: S. Chevillard, J. Leblond).
PhD in progress: D. Martinez Martinez, Méthodologie et Outils de Synthèse pour des Fonctions de Filtrage Chargées par des Impédances complexes, since October 2015, advisors: L. Baratchart and F. Seyfert.
PhD in progress: G. Bose, Filter Design to Match Antennas, since December 2016, advisors: F. Ferrero and F. Seyfert.
PhD in progress: S. Fueyo, Cycles limites et stabilité dans les circuits,since October 2016, advisors: L. Baratchart and J.-B. Pomet.
L. Baratchart was a referee of the “Mémoire d'habilitation” by Nicolas Brisebarre (ENS de Lyon).
J. Leblond was a member of the “Jury d'admissibilité du concours CR2” of the Inria Research Center Nancy Grand Ouest and of the “Comité de Sélection” for professors at UNSA (Polytech Nice), in March. She was a member of the PhD thesis defense committee of Lobna Merghmi, Aix-Marseille Université, Institut de Math. de Marseille (I2M), Jan.
M. Olivi was a reviewer for the PhD document of Igor Pontes-Duff-Pereira, université de Toulouse, January 11. She was a member of the PhD thesis defense committees of Afrooz Ebadat, KTH, Stockholm, September 8, and Yusuf Bhujwalla, université de Lorraine, Nancy, December 5. She was a member of the “jury d'admission du concours CR” of Inria.