Section: Dissemination
M. Olivi is responsible for Scientific Mediation and president of the Committee MASTIC (Commission d’Animation et de Médiation Scientifique) Her main contributions related with this mission were:
management of the contract “région PACA: Science Culture Lycée” and organization of about thirty conferences in the high schools of the region (100 students per conference),
co-organization of 10 robotics sessions for 2 classes of middle school students (device “MEDITES”, founded by ANRU, the “Agence Nationale de Rénovation Urbaine”),
co-organization of the “stage MathC2+”, a four-day internship for 50 high school students (“secondes”, about 16 years old) organized by the Commitee MASTIC and its partners (June 14-17),
co-organization of Inria participation to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l’Innovation” in Antibes (October 7 & 8, 10000 people),
co-organization of about 10 “cafés scientifiques” (c@fé-in's and cafés Techno, 30 to 80 participants each),
supervision of a (2 months) internship, done by Sabrina Ballauris, for the realization of objects to manipulate, in view of illustrating some mathematical results and scientific principles (Pythagora's puzzles, Galton's board, Galileo's experiment, the fastest toboggan, ...)
She was a member of the scientific committee of the “Forum Mathématiques Vivantes”, a national event (initiated by CFEM, the French Commission for Mathematics Education, organized in Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Toulouse during the Mathematics Week. She participated into the reviewing process for the book “Panorama Mathématiques et Langages” published in this occasion by CFEM.
M. Olivi animated two half-day workshop sessions “activités débranchées” at “l'ESPE de Nice” for primary school students (March 16 & 24), 200 students each session). She gave three presentations for high school students in Gap and Marseille. With K. Mavreas, she participates to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l’Innovation” in Antibes (October 7 & 8, 10000 people).
A. Cooman gave a presentation at the “stage MathC2+”, a four-day internship for high-school students organized by the Committee MASTIC and its partners (June 14-17).