Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Nathalie Revol, Algorithmique numérique et fiabilité des calculs en arithmétique flottante (24h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Master: Vincent Lefèvre, Arithmétique des ordinateurs (12h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Master: Fabien Laguillaumie, Cryptography, Error Correcting Codes, 150h, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (on CNRS secondment in 2016-2017).
Master: Damien Stehlé, Hard lattice problems, 24h, ENS de Lyon.
Post-graduate: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Nathalie Revol, Arithmétique flottante et erreurs d'arrondi (3h), École Jeunes Chercheurs et Jeunes Chercheuses en Informatique Mathématique.
Post-graduate: Damien Stehlé, Foundations of lattice-based cryptography, 10h, NTT (Japan).
Post-graduate: Damien Stehlé, Foundations of lattice-based cryptography, 3h, Seoul National University (South Korea).
Professional teaching: Nathalie Revol, Introduction à l'arithmétique par intervalles (3h00), École Précis (Précision, Reproductibilité en Calcul et Informatique Scientifique).
Professional teaching: Nathalie Revol, Contrôler et améliorer la qualité numérique d'un code de calcul industriel (2h30), Collège de Polytechnique.
Master: Bruno Salvy, Mathématiques expérimentales (44h), École polytechnique.
Master: Bruno Salvy, Logique et complexité (32h), École polytechnique.
PhD: Stephen Melczer, Effective analytic combinatorics in one and several variables, defended on June 13, 2017, co-supervised by George Labahn (U. Waterloo, Canada) and Bruno Salvy.
PhD: Marie Paindavoine, Méthodes de calculs sur des données chiffrées, defended on January 27, 2017, co-supervised by Fabien Laguillaumie and Sébastien Canard (Orange).
PhD: Antoine Plet, Contribution à l'analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique virgule flottante [3], defended on July 7, 2017, co-supervised by Nicolas Louvet and Jean-Michel Muller.
PhD: Valentina Popescu, Vers des bibliothèques multi-précision certifiées et performantes [4], defended on july 6, 2017, co-supervised by Mioara Joldes (LAAS) and Jean-Michel Muller
PhD in progress: Fabrice Mouhartem, Privacy-preserving protocols from lattices and bilinear maps, since September 2015, supervised by Benoît Libert.
PhD in progress: Chen Qiang, Applications of Malleability in Cryptography, since September 2016, co-supervised by Benoît Libert, Adeline Langlois (IRISA) and Pierre-Alain Fouque (IRISA).
PhD in progress: Radu Titiu, Pseudorandom functions and functional encryption from lattices and bilinear maps, since January 2017, supervised by Benoît Libert.
PhD in progress: Weiqiang Wen, Hard problems on lattices, since September 2015, supervised by Damien Stehlé.
PhD in progress: Alice Pellet–Mary, Cryptographic obfuscation, since September 2016, supervised by Damien Stehlé.
PhD in progress: Miruna Rosca, Hardness of lattice problems over rings, since January 2017, supervised by Damien Stehlé.
PhD in progress: Florent Bréhard, Outils pour un calcul certifié. Applications aux systèmes dynamiques et à la théorie du contrôle, since September 2016, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre, Mioara Joldeş (LAAS, Toulouse) and Damien Pous (LIP).
PhD in progress: Ida Tucker, Conception de systèmes cryptographiques avancés reposant sur des briques homomorphes, since Octobre 2017, co-supervised by Guilhem Castagnos (IMB, Bordeaux) and Fabien Laguillaumie.
PhD in progress: Adel Hamdi, Chiffrement fonctionnel pour le traitement de données externes en aveugle, since December 2017, co-supervised by Sébastien Canard (Orange Labs, Caen) and Fabien Laguillaumie.
Bruno Salvy was a reviewer for the HdR of Thomas Cluzeau (Limoges) and for the PhD thesis of Thomas Sibut-Pinote (École polytechnique). He was also a member of the Habilitation committee of Michael Rao (ENS Lyon). He was a member of the recruitment committee for junior researchers at Inria Grenoble.
Benoît Libert was a reviewer for the PhD theses of Florian Bourse (ENS Paris) and Alonso Gonzalez (University of Chile, Santiago). He was the president of the PhD committee of Geoffroy Couteau (ENS Paris), and a member of the PhD committees of Florian Bourse (ENS Paris) and Alonso Gonzalez (University of Chile, Santiago).
Damien Stehlé was a reviewer for the PhD theses of Pierrick Méaux (ENS Paris) and Philippe Moustrou (University of Bordeaux). He was the president of the PhD committee of Thomas Camus (University of Grenoble).
Jean-Michel Muller was the president of the PhD committee of Anastasia Volkova (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris), and a member of the Habilitation committee of Nicolas Brisebarre (ENS Lyon).
Fabien Laguillaumie was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Francisco Vial-Prado (Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines) and Laurent Grémy (Université de Lorraine). He was the president of the PhD committee of Thierry Menfenza (ENS Paris and Université de Yaoundé). He was was also a member of the HDR committee of Céline Chevalier (ENS Paris).