Section: Dissemination


Nathalie Revol is a member of the steering committee of the MMI: Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique, and in particular she was involved in the creation of the Magimatique 2 exhibition. She presented some magic tricks at Bibliothèque Municipale de la Part-Dieu and at MMI for 3 classes during the Science Fair. She gave talks for a large audience during "Forum Maths Vivantes" and for "La tournée de Pi" (mathematical musical, around 600 attendees) (March 2017). As an incentive for high-school pupils, and especially girls, to choose scientific careers, she gave talks at Lycée Ella Fitzgerald (Saint-Romain-en-Gal) and Mondial des Métiers (in February 2017) and during "Journée Filles et Sciences" in Musée des Confluences and "Journée Filles" by INSA Lyon (above 550 attendees in total, March 2017). She co-organized for two "Coding gouters" organized by MixTeen. She co-organized two days on "Info Sans Ordinateur" gathering researchers interested in unplugged activities. She is a member of the editorial committee of Interstices: https://interstices.info. She taught how to disseminate (computer) science for PhD students in a 20h module of Insertion Professionnelle.

Bruno Salvy will give a talk at the Collège de France in December 2017 on methods of analytic combinatorics in random generation.

Damien Stehlé hosted a visit at ENS de Lyon by the regional winners of the Alkindi competition (midde highschool and highschool).