Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
J. Noyé has co-organized with M. Aksit the symposium Modularity 2017, colocated with <Programming> 2017 (Brussels).
A. Lebre has been Publicity Chair of the Big Graph Processing workshop (co-located with ICDCS'17).
A. Lebre has co-organized the CNRS Rescom Summer School 2017 edition (70 persons).
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
S. Ibrahim was program co-chair of the 17th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2017), Helsinki, Finland, August, 2017.
S. Ibrahim was program co-chair of the1st Workshop on the Integration of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Management and Analytics (EBDMA 2017), co-located with CCGrid'17, Madrid, Spain, May 2017.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
H. Coullon was member of the program committees of the following conferences: CloudCOM'17, ICFEC'17, ICCS'17, SAC PAPP'17, Compas'17
S. Ibrahim was member of the program committees of SC'17, Cluster'17, HiPC'17, CCGrid'17, ISPA'17, I-SPAN'17, CloudCom'17, FCST'17, PDSW-DISCS@SC'17, NetBOS@ICNP'17, HPBDC@IPDPS'17, SCRAMBL@CCGrid'17.
A. Lebre was member of the program committees of HPDC'17, SC'17, CCGRID'17,CloudCom'2017, and NoF'17.
T. Ledoux was member of the program committees of the following workshops: ARM'17@Middleware, CrossCloud'17@EuroSys
J.-M. Menaud was member of the program committees of SDS'17, Xgreen2017, AICT'17, CEIS'17, EEEP'17, Energy'17, SMARTGREENS'17
J-C. Royer was member of the program committees of CAReMAS, ICIS'2017, SCAI'2017 and WETICE'2017.
M. Südholt was a member of the program committees of CloudCom'17, ProWeb'17, and Programming'17
C. Zhou was member of the program committees of FCST'17, ICA3PP'17, EBDMA'@CCGrid'17.
Member of the Editorial Boards
A. Lebre is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on BigDat
S. Ibrahim is a Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Big Data – Special Issue on the Integration of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Management and Analytics. a Journal.
M. Südholt is an Associate Editor of the journals Programming and Modularity (Springer).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
H. Coullon has been a reviewer for the following journals: Annals of Telecommunication, Future Generation Computer Systems, Transactions on BigData.
H. Coullon has been a reviewer for the following conferences: Cluster'17, HPDC'17.
A. Lebre has been reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
T. Ledoux has been a reviewer for the journal IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.
J. Noyé has been a reviewer for the Journal of Object Technology.
S. Ibrahim has been a reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
Invited Talks
S. Ibrahim has been invited to present a talk at the ResCom summer school (Le Croisic) : “ Big Data Processing in the Cloud: Hadoop and Beyond”.
S. Ibrahim has been invited to present a talk at CGCL (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 02/11/2017): “Scalable Big Data Management on clouds and HPC systems".
S. Ibrahim has been invited to present a talk at ShenZhen University (China, 09/11/2017): “Scalable Big Data Management on clouds and HPC systems".
A. Lebre has been invited to present a talk at the 11th edition of the CloudControl Workshop serie (Sweden) : “Enos: a Holistic Framework for Conducting Scientific Evaluations of OpenStack”.
A. Lebre has been invited to present a talk at the ResCom summer school (Le Croisic) : “ Utility Computing: From Mainframes to Clouds and Beyond!”.
T. Ledoux has been invited for a talk about frugal Cloud by the GDS EcoInfo (CNRS) (Grenoble, France, 02/03/2017)
T. Ledoux has been invited to present the CoMe4ACloud project at the 4th Grenoble Workshop on Autonomic Computing and Control (Grenoble, France, 10/23/2017)
M. Südholt has been invited to present a talk at the IMT Cybersecurity day on “Privacy and sharing of genomic data.”
Scientific Expertise
S. Ibrahim is Leading the Resource Management and Scheduling for Data-Intensive HPC Workflows activity within the JLESC, Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing.
S. Ibrahim is member of Grid'5000 Sites Committee – Responsible for the Rennes site.
A. Lebre is member of the executive committee of the GDR CNRS RSD “Réseau et Système distribué” and Co-leader of the transversal action Virtualization and Clouds of this GDR since 2015.
A. Lebre is leading the OpenStack “Fog/Edge/Massively Distributed Clouds” Special Interest Group (further information at:
A. Lebre is member of the executive and architect committees of the Grid’5000 GIS (Groupement d’intérêt scientifique).
J.-M. Menaud is the organizer of "Pôle Science du Logiciel et des Systèmes Distribués" in Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique à Nantes (LS2N) since June 2015.
J.-M. Menaud member of the thesis committee Gilles Kahn Award, sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences awarded by the SiF
Research Administration
J. Noyé is deputy head of the Automation, Production and Computer Sciences department of IMT Atlantique.