Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
PhD: Md Sabbir Hasan, "Smart management of renewable energy in Clouds: from infrastructure to application", INSA Rennes, 05 March 2017, advisor: T. Ledoux
HdR : Adrien Lebre, “Contributions to Large Scale Distributed Systems: The infrastructure viewpoint”, University of Nantes, 1 Sept 2017.
PhD: Emile Cadorel, director: J-M. Menaud, advisor: H. Coullon
PhD: Mohammad Mahdi Bazm: codirectors: Mario Sudholt, J-M. Menaud.
S. Ibrahim was member of the PhD Committee of Thomas Lambert, “Etude de l'effet de la replication de fichiers d'entree sur l'efficacite et la robustesse d'un ensemble de calcul”, University of Bordeaux, September 2017.
A. Lebre was member of the PhD Committee of Ismael Cuadrado-Cordero, “Microclouds: An Approach for a Network-Aware Energy-Efficient Decentralized Cloud”, University of Rennes 1, Feb 2017.
A. Lebre was member of the PhD Committee of Luis Pineda, “Efficient Support fo Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows on Geo-Distributed Clouds”, University of Rennes 1, May 2017.
A. Lebre was member of the PhD Committee of Aymen Jlassi, “Optimisation de la gestion des ressources sur une plateforme inforamtique de type Big-data basée sur le logiciel Hadoop”, University of Tours, Dec 2017.
T. Ledoux was a member of the PhD committee of Xuan Sang Le, "Software/FPGA Co-design for Edge-computing: Promoting Object-oriented Design", Univ. Bretagne Occidentale, May 2017
J.-M. Menaud was reviewer of the PhD of Ines de Courchelle, "Vers une meilleure utilisation des énergies renouvelables : application à des bâtiments scientifiques",(Nov. 20, 2017), Toulouse ; Boris Teabe (Oct 12, 2017) "Performance et qualité de service de l’ordonnanceur dans un environnement virtualisé", Toulouse ; Alexis Martin (Jan. 13, 2017) "Infrastructure pour la gestion générique et optimisée des traces d’exécution pour les systèmes embarqués", Grenoble.
J-C. Royer was member of the PhD comittee of Walid Benghabrit, “A Formal Model for Accountability”, IMT Atlantique, October 27 2017 and Gwendal Daniet, “Efficient Persistence, Query and Tranformation of Large Models”, IMT Atlantique, November 14, 2017.
M. Südholt was a member of the PhD committee of Pauline Bolignano, “Formal Models and Verification of Memory Management in a Hypervisor”, Inria, May 2017.