Section: Highlights of the Year

ECAL Conference

In September 2017 Beagle organized the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life in Lyon (https://project.inria.fr/ecal2017/). ECAL is a biannual scientific meeting supported by the International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL). Carole Knibbe was scientific chair of the conference and Guillaume Beslon was local chair. We welcomed 200 researchers from various disciplines (computer science, biology, physics, humanities...) for 5 days of conferences (including 7 keynotes) in the domain of modelling and simulation of life. The scientific program was completed by an amazing social program (vineyard visits, old city visit, wine&cheese, banquet dinner, sport activities...). The proceedings of the conference have been published by MIT Press (http://cognet.mit.edu/journal/ecal2017).


Guillaume Beslon was awarded the 3rd price at the international innovation academy of the International conference on prevention and infection control. Geneva, Juin 2017. Project presented: ISEE-Resistance, using in silico experimental evolution to sensitize providers on antibiotic resistance [13].