Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • IntraCellXevo (2016-2018). Participants: E. Tannier, in collaboration with T Henry, Insem Lyon. This projects mixes an experimental evolution of Franscicella tumarensis in the cytosol and a bioinformatics analysis of the adaptive mutations. It has been funded by the Labex Ecofect up to 120keuros.

  • Lipuscale (2017-2019). Participants: C. Knibbe, in collaboration with S. Bernard (Inria Dracula) and M.-C. Michalski (CarMeN laboratory, INSERM U1060/ INRA U1397/ Université Lyon1/ INSA de Lyon). This project aims at reaching a quantitative understanding of the lipolysis and adsorption of dietary triglycerides, by using and adapting SimuScale (a multi-scale simulator developed by the Inria Dracula team) to model and simulate the processes, and by using wet experiments on in vitro systems and cellular cultures to calibrate the models parameters. It is funded by the Rhône-Alpes Institute for Complex Systems (IXXI, 5k€ for two years).

  • PMSISEE (2017-2019): The goal of the PMSISEE (Performance, Maintainability and Scalability of In-Silico Experimental Evolution Simulation) project is to improve the collaboration between the Inria Avalon team of the LIP laboratory and the Inria Beagle team of the LIRIS laboratory through research activities on programming model and tools for High Performance Computing applied to in-silico experimental evolution. One of the outcome is to improve the scalability and performance of the Aevol software. Moreover, we are formalizing a mini-application (mini-Aevol) representative of the resources usage of Aevol. The goal of this mini-application is to propose a simplify version of Aevol that could be used by the parallel computing community as use case to test new improvements. It is founded by the Lyon Computer Science Federation (FIL FR2000).