Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Florence Bertails-Descoubes, module IRL (Introduction à la Recherche), 1.5 éq TD, ENSIMAG 2A.
Master : Vincent Acary, 17H éq TD Systèmes dynamiques, ENSIMAG 2A.
HdR : Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Numerical Modeling of elastic slender structures subject to contact and friction: From dynamic simulation to inverse static design, Grenoble Universités. Defended the 30th of May, 2017.
PhD : Alejandro Blumentals, Numerical modelling of thin elastic solids in contact. Defended the 3rd of July, 2017. Supervised by B. Brogliato and F. Bertails-Descoubes.
Alexandre Vieira, Optimal Control of Linear Complementarity Systems, October 2015, B. Brogliato and C. Prieur.
Matteo Ciocca, March 2017, P.-B. Wieber and T. Fraichard (Inria team Pervasive Interaction).
Bernard Brogliato was member of the HdR jury of Laurentiu Hetel (CR CNRS, LAGIS Ecole Centrale de Lille), 14 juin 2017.
Guillaume James was a referee for the PhD thesis of Huong Le Thi, Université de Nice (16 June, 2017).
Bernard Brogliato was member of the HdR jury of Alexandre Kruszewski (MdC Ecole Centrale de Lille), 12 décembre 2017.
Bernard Brogliato was member of the PhD thesis jury of Maxime Feigensicht (11 décembre 2017), Inria Lille.
Bernard Brogliato was member of the PhD thesis jury of Sébastien Crozet (08 décembre 2017) , CEA LIST.
Florence Bertails-Descoubes was member (examiner) of the PhD thesis jury of Vincent Barrielle (24 novembre 2017), CentraleSupélec, Rennes.
Vincent Acary, member of Ph.D. Thesis committee of Clara Issanchou (25 September 2017), Universite Pierre et Marie Curie .