Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Florence Bertails-Descoubes, module IRL (Introduction à la Recherche), 1.5 éq TD, ENSIMAG 2A.

  • Master : Vincent Acary, 17H éq TD Systèmes dynamiques, ENSIMAG 2A.


  • HdR : Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Numerical Modeling of elastic slender structures subject to contact and friction: From dynamic simulation to inverse static design, Grenoble Universités. Defended the 30th of May, 2017.

  • PhD : Alejandro Blumentals, Numerical modelling of thin elastic solids in contact. Defended the 3rd of July, 2017. Supervised by B. Brogliato and F. Bertails-Descoubes.

  • Alexandre Vieira, Optimal Control of Linear Complementarity Systems, October 2015, B. Brogliato and C. Prieur.

  • Nestor Bohorquez, October 2015, P.-B. Wieber.

  • Nahuel Villa, October 2016, P.-B. Wieber.

  • Matteo Ciocca, March 2017, P.-B. Wieber and T. Fraichard (Inria team Pervasive Interaction).


  • Bernard Brogliato was member of the HdR jury of Laurentiu Hetel (CR CNRS, LAGIS Ecole Centrale de Lille), 14 juin 2017.

  • Guillaume James was a referee for the PhD thesis of Huong Le Thi, Université de Nice (16 June, 2017).

  • Bernard Brogliato was member of the HdR jury of Alexandre Kruszewski (MdC Ecole Centrale de Lille), 12 décembre 2017.

  • Bernard Brogliato was member of the PhD thesis jury of Maxime Feigensicht (11 décembre 2017), Inria Lille.

  • Bernard Brogliato was member of the PhD thesis jury of Sébastien Crozet (08 décembre 2017) , CEA LIST.

  • Florence Bertails-Descoubes was member (examiner) of the PhD thesis jury of Vincent Barrielle (24 novembre 2017), CentraleSupélec, Rennes.

  • Vincent Acary, member of Ph.D. Thesis committee of Clara Issanchou (25 September 2017), Universite Pierre et Marie Curie .