Section: New Results

The contact complementarity problem, and Painlevé paradoxes

Participants : Bernard Brogliato, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Alejandro Blumentals.

The contact linear complementarity problem is an set of equalities and complementarity conditions whose unknowns are the acceleration and the contact forces. It has been studied in a frictionless context with possibly singular mass matrix and redundant constraints, using results on well-posedness of variational inequalities obtained earlier by the authors. This is also the topic of the first part of the Ph.D. thesis of Alejandro Blumentals where the frictional case is treated as a perturbation of the frictionless case. With R. Kikuuwe from Kyushu University, we have also proposed a new formulation of the Baumgarte's stabilisation method, for unilateral constraints and Coulomb's friction, which sheds new light on Painlevé paradoxes [24]. It relies on a particular limiting process of normal cones.